By Anne Eickstadt Editor “Build-A-Bike is a concept where businesses and organizations sponsor and ‘build’ bicycles for youth in the community whose families could otherwise not afford to purchase one for them,” said Joe Hamblock of Manley Motors. “Our goal is to allow youth the freedom, joy, and health benefits […]
By Anne Eickstadt Editor “Due to the generosity of the community,” said Deputy Chief Matt Wallace, “the Belvidere Police Dept. is able to provide three mobile food pantries this year with enough food for 250 families each time. Our first one was at the B-1 church, 1105 7th Ave. on […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter Two state legislators have made $400,000 in funding opportunities available to the city, which would be used toward paying for $1.1 million in storm sewer projects. State Reps. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, and Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, made the city aware of the grants through the Department […]
By Anne Eickstadt Editor On Monday, June 8, Belvidere Police Officers began visiting various dining locations around town and handing out gift cards to anyone who approached them and mentioned seeing their post on Facebook. “The Belvidere Police Department received a generous donation from the Boone County Community Foundation to […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter Mayor Mike Chamberlain painted a potentially grim picture of the city’s future as aldermen considered proposals he offered for trying to get businesses around town back to work. One of the suggestions was to temporarily close Buchanan Street to traffic, allowing extra tables to be placed […]
Since the identification of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Boone County Fair Association, staff, and community leaders have been reviewing all aspects of the upcoming fair, with the anticipation of providing a 2020 Boone County Fair. The Boone County Fair has been a quality family event with fun and educational activities […]
On Monday, May 25 Belvidere Police Officers rescued a Loves Park woman whose kayak had capsized in the fast-flowing waters of the Kishwaukee River. Angela Wirth had come out with friends to enjoy kayaking down the river on Memorial Day. At approximately 4:35 p.m., Officers of the Belvidere Police Dept., […]
By Anne Eickstadt Editor Of the seven Granges in Boone County, five of them got together to plan a way to say “Thank you” to first responders – the firefighters and law enforcement officers. They reached out to several local restaurants and purchased gift cards to present to the Belvidere […]
By Bob Balgemann Reporter From a couple of sentences to full blown discussion, the coronavirus pandemic that’s menacing the world commanded a big portion of the May 20 Boone County Board meeting. Topics ranged from the wish, and need, for local businesses to reopen as quickly as possible, to the […]
By Mindy Long Local History Librarian Ida Public Library The subject of our Rad Women of Belvidere series this month is the sister of Belvidere’s legendary ghost, Nellie Dunton. Much has been written about Nellie, who drowned in the river behind her home in 1920 and is rumored to haunt […]