Belvidere Republican

Belvidere school crossing guards enjoy their annual picnic

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Mayor Mike Chamberlain thanks the crossing guards for their dedication to keeping school kids safe.

The Crossing Guard Picnic is a city/county venture now. Beginning as the Patrol Boy picnic, the big prize was a


Prestigious award presented to Boone County’s Allen Sisson

SUBMITTED PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Allen and the rest of the BCHA board, (l-r, Robert Johns, Jerrica Cole, Allen Sisson, Ray Morse, Elsie Brown and Ron Wait.  Not pictured is Julaine Drake).

On April 18, 2019 Allen Sisson was awarded the Alvira B. Long Memorial Award by the North Central Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NCRC NAHRO).


Prayers offered for the well being of Boone County administrator

Ken Terrinoni

“Back in ’08, when the market crashed – and I’m not sure how he did it – he made sure no one was laid off,” David said. “That says something. So, yes, I’m a proud older brother. You are his whole life.”


Vintage Wings and Wheels Museum has very successful season opening

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTOS Belvidere Republican
	The new ‘Create your own…’ area in the Vintage Wings and Wheels Museum is fun family friendly activities where, today, you can make a paper airplane and try to fly it through a hoop.

A number of the museum exhibits have been revised, updated, and become more interactive. “We wanted to address the guest experience and enhance it with better display boards, improved exhibits, and raise the game


Calling all runners to support Special Olympics

SUBMITTED PHOTOS Belvidere Daily Republican
	Police Chief Woody takes the lead with the official torch in hand as the run begins.

Participants will run as a group to support and encourage each other. They will move at about a 10-minute-per-mile pace. Participants can run any portion of the event.


K-B Farms Inc., donates land to the Funderburg Conservation Area

SUBMITTED PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Craig Johnson, Farm Manager, K-B Farms Inc., accepts plaque recognizing the donation of land to the Boone County Conservation District.  Pictured from left to right: Dan Kane, BCCD Executive Director; Craig Johnson, K-B Farm Manager; and Matt Bullard, BCCD Board President.

In January of 2013 the Boone County Conservation District acquired 82-acres of important conservation land along the Piscasaw. The 82-acre site became the Funderburg Conservation Area,


Representative Kinzinger speaks to Immanuel Lutheran students

ANNE EICKSTADT Belvidere Republican
	Immanuel Lutheran grades 1 through 8 gather around Rep. Adam Kinzinger following his discussion with them.

My dream job? I always wanted to do three things – I wanted to join the FBI, fly a plane, and


Accident victim thanks her first responders a year later

Accident victim thanks her first responders a year later

“We do what we can, but reunions,,, come not so often. We like to know that we were able to make a difference,”


Boone County Poverty Summit shocks community leaders

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The Poverty Summit brought poverty level issues into sharp focus for participants on Tuesday, April 16 at the Community Building Complex. Here, they stand in line as they seek jobs.

One teen was stuck in Juvenile Detention until his mother could come get him – it took a week until the mother noticed he was missing and she had to wait until Monday to get him released because she needed to get transportation.


Easter celebrations each have unique looks

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTOS Belvidere Republican
	Benny Benderson of Dabadooya pleases children with balloon critters and things at the B1 Assembly of God Easter Egg Hunt.

The B1 Assembly of God on 7th St. offered over 20,000 plastic eggs filled with goodies and prizes, as well candies, spread across the playing fields across the street from the church.

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