Belvidere Republican

Safety Dog Bus Tour visits Belvidere for the first time

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Students at Seth Whitman Elementary School sign a school bus safety pledge during the Safety Dog Bus Tour visit.

“It’s very exciting,” she said. “First Student has 47 locations and to be picked to host this tour is an honor. It’s a fun interaction for kids. They get to sign a bus safety pledge, meet the Safety Dog, color pictures, and go on a bus tour with safety tips.”


Citizens Police Academy graduation

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Deputy Chief Matt Wallace, Officer Tim Blankenship, and three Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) join the first Fall Citizens Police Academy graduating class at the Keen Age Center.

“It is important that the community understands who we are, what we do, and why we do it,” he said. “We are fantastic at working with the community when crime is involved. Most of the time members of the community report the crime because of the trust we have built with them.


Fifth Grade Arts Festival offers talented artists to kids

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Norm Knott discusses creative uses of found objects with fifth graders during his Junk Art class during the Fifth Grade Arts Festival at the Community Building Complex.

“We try to expose them to things that they would not otherwise experience,” said Sherry Lindquist of the Arts Council. “We hope this will lead to a life-long pastime or even a career.”


No Second Grader Left Behind program continues

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Firefighter Chad Cunningham assists a Seth Whitman Elementary School second grader to ‘escape’ through the window of the BFD Fire Safety House.

“If the doors are blocked? Give me a hammer and I can go through any wall in your house. I train all the time. I have tools.”


Belvidere Park District holds annual Tractor Treat event

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Guests thronged the Scarecrow Building area at the Belvidere Park District’s Tractor Treat event.

“It’s our fourth annual event, replacing our Harvest Fest from years ago.”


New print shop on Logan Ave. holds ribbon cutting party

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Mayor Mike Chamberlain and members of the busi-ness community join Mike and Julie Borowicz in cele-brating the opening of Rite on Time Design’s new Belvidere location.

By Anne Eickstadt Editor Rite on Time Design has completed the move to their new Belvidere location at 6278 Logan Ave. and celebrated with an Open House lunch party on Thursday, Oct. 18. Representatives of the Belvidere City Council, Growth Dimensions, two newspapers, Vintage Wings & Wheels Museum, local politicians, […]


Carol Lynn Ingles Obituary

Carol Lynn Ingles (nee Coon), age 72, a Belvidere native who during her Belvidere High School days in the early 1960s was an editor and reporter for the Belvidere Daily Republican, died peacefully in hospice care in the cardiac unit of Waukesha Memorial Hospital in the late evening of Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018, after a short illness.


Bergmann Center in Poplar Grove hosts Special Olympics Equestrian event

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The smile says it all as Yamada Ayize of Evanston is awarded a medal in Equitation during the Special Olympics competition on Saturday, Oct. 20. It was his first time participating in the games.

At Bravehearts’ Bergmann Center in Poplar Grove, Special Olympics athletes were able to register to compete in Dressage, English Equitation, Showmanship, or Stock Seat Equitation.


Autumn Fest at Vintage Wings & Wheels Museum offers variety of activities

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Grampa Steve, Chuck Jansen, Ian Carter, Joey Howe, and Kyle Petges all had a part in rebuilding the pre-war 1941 Areonca Chief plane.

“We were gifted with this Areonca Chief 1941 pre-war aircraft as a bucket case. It was in bad shape. The kids worked with several mentors and the original blueprints and restored it from scratch.”


Firefighters are not scary: Firefighting for Pre-K understanding

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Firefighter Jeff describes what each part of the firefighting gear is for as Firefighter Glenn stays low to avoid intimidating the preschoolers in the class at St. James.

“Firefighters might look a little scary in their gear and if you are ever in a fire, we want you to make noise, we don’t want you to hide from us,” Firefighter Jeff said.

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