Belvidere Republican

Robinette K. Simerl Obituary

Robinette K. Simerl

Robinette K. Simerl, 89, of Poplar Grove, passed away, Saturday, October 15.


Belvidere Fire Dept. Open House successfully reaches out to the community

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Firefighters demonstrate their skills at rope opera-tions by rappelling down the side of the fire station during the open house.

The firefighters took the opportunity to showcase and demonstrate their capabilities to the citizens who employ and count on them much to the delight of their guests.


Hervey James Warriner Obituary

Hervey James Warriner

Hervey will be deeply missed by his community and his family.


Real Men Wear Pink competition returns to Winnebago/Boone Counties

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Chief Al Hyser is representing Boone County in the Real Men Wear Pink competition this year. The Belvidere Firefighters are in full support of his efforts to battle cancer.

“I’ll do my part. Maybe it will help make things better for some people. Boone County has always been really good about helping. That’s why I love it here. Boone County people are so giving, helpful, and generous. They always rally around a good cause.


Open House planned at Belvidere Fire Dept.

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The Belvidere Fire Dept. has new games and activities as well as old favorites for everyone to enjoy at their open house. Sparky the fire dog will also be back for the event.

“We are expecting a nice turnout,” said Chief Hyser, “especially if the weather cooperates. If we are lucky, a helicopter will land close by later in the afternoon.”


Citizen’s Police Academy, Session 6 – Use of Force

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Members of the Citizens Police Academy check out SWAT equipment as Sgt. Washburn answers their questions.

“I believe that most cops are good people and want to do the right thing,” he said. “When it comes to force, there is just no way to make it look good.”


Virtual Dementia Tour drew caregivers to Keen Age Center

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The Virtual Dementia Tour uses sensory stimulation to provide family and professional caregivers a way to experience the challenges faced by those living with dementia.

The Virtual Dementia Tour uses educational resources and sensory stimulation to provide family and professional caregivers a way to experience the challenges faced by those living with dementia.


State Regent visits Asa Cottrell Chapter DAR

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Regent Kathy Hughes, Registrar Darlene Schoepski, State Regent Gloria Flathom, new members Kathy Kult and Natalie Hammer, and Chaplain Marsha Hosfeld are welcomed.

“Our chapter, which will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary, carries out the important mission of the National Society here on the local level,”


Belvidere Citizen’s Police Academy: Part 5

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Officer Parker discusses his K-9 partner, Officer Monti, and his skills and abilities during the Citizen’s Police Academy.

“Monti is my third police dog. He is very young and weighs about 90 pounds,” Parker said. “He is almost too big to be a police dog but when I saw how athletic he was, I agreed.


Charles Lee Miller obituary

Charles Lee Miller obituary

Charles Lee Miller, 75, born on December 15, 1942, passed away on September 13, 2018. Devoted and loving father of Wayne Charles Miller, Michelle Marie Sodko (Jeffrey Graban), and Denise Anne (Raymond) Heinberg. Treasured grandfather of Danielle Marie (Jace) Kempel, Justin Charles (Stephanie) Miller, Sarah Elizabeth (Jordon) Bryson, Jacob David […]

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