Belvidere Republican

Capron Fire and Lions Club Chicken BBQ is a joint endeavor to serve the community

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Captain Holmes counts the first batch of chickens to be barbequed at the joint Capron Firefighter and Lions Club fundraiser.

“We appreciate all the community support for the fire district and the Lions Club. It means a lot to the membership when the community comes out and supports us.”


Blessing the children, school staff of Boone County

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Reverend (Dr.) Bob Kopp led the school prayer blessing for the new school year in downtown Belvidere.

A Back to School Prayer Event was held in Hub Plaza near the town clock on the warm Sunday afternoon of Aug. 19.


Cars & Coffee for CASA expands in its second year

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	The 4-H Flaming Monkeys offered complimentary coffee at the Cars & Coffee for CASA event while their mascot Monkey dances.

“We are the voice of abused and neglected children in the juvenile court system,” Meier said. “We are currently serving 45 children with 22 advocates. We train volunteer advocates to represent these vulnerable kids.”


The fall Citizens Police Academy has begun at the Keen Age Center

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Chief Woody addresses the first fall session of the Belvidere Citizens Police Academy before turning the group over to Deputy Chief Wallace for a briefing on the BPD organization.

The Belvidere Police Department hosts ten sessions of the Citizens Police Academy twice a year to increase the communities’ understanding of what the BPD does, why they do what they do, and how they do it.


Kids are angling for the top prize in fishing tournament

BARB APPELHANS PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Chuck Hart Lake Management Chair with Julian Stender (Age 3 to 6 group) with his 18 inch Bass.

The kids did pretty darn good on their own bringing in some of the largest fish during this Kids Fishing Tournament that I’ve seen in a long time.


Ride to Remember will roar through Boone County

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	This iconic photo of Firefighters raising the American flag at Ground Zero has come to honor all Firefighters and First Responders who risk their lives to help others.

A Ride to Remember will begin in Woodstock where a field of 403 flags will honor the First Responders who lost their lives that day. The riders will be escorted by police and fire departments the entire route.


Poplar Grove Fly In event bombs again

BARB APPELHANS PHOTO Belvidere Republican
	Dale Miedema and his bomber copilot Harold Otto make a direct hit on the grid.

The day was topped off with the ever-popular Belvidere Rotary Airplane Flour Bombing Bingo.


Veterans’ Assistance Commission of Boone County visits at the Fair

COURTESY PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	VACBC Assistant Superintendent Elizabeth Carville stands with booth volunteers Greg Novak on the left on Tom Minton on the right during the recent Boone County Fair.

Staff members and volunteers of the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County reached out to more than 300 people while manning their booth at the Boone County Fair in early August.


Coffee with Joe answers questions on local, state issues

Coffee with Joe answers questions on local, state issues

By Anne Eickstadt Editor State Representative Joe Sosnowski met with constituents from the Boone County – Winnebago County area with an early morning “Coffee with Joe” gathering at Ned’s Restaurant, 2132 U.S. Rte. 20. He came willing to discuss what he has been doing and address any concerns or issues […]


Brick Oven Pizza changes the flavor of the Boone County Fair

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	The pizza being removed from Savino’s Brick Oven has baked at over 900 degrees

Also known as Savino’s Pizza, Brick Oven Pizza raises the flavor bar extremely high at the Boone County Fair.

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