Capron Fire and Lions Club Chicken BBQ is a joint endeavor to serve the community
“We appreciate all the community support for the fire district and the Lions Club. It means a lot to the membership when the community comes out and supports us.”
“We appreciate all the community support for the fire district and the Lions Club. It means a lot to the membership when the community comes out and supports us.”
A Back to School Prayer Event was held in Hub Plaza near the town clock on the warm Sunday afternoon of Aug. 19.
“We are the voice of abused and neglected children in the juvenile court system,” Meier said. “We are currently serving 45 children with 22 advocates. We train volunteer advocates to represent these vulnerable kids.”
The Belvidere Police Department hosts ten sessions of the Citizens Police Academy twice a year to increase the communities’ understanding of what the BPD does, why they do what they do, and how they do it.
The kids did pretty darn good on their own bringing in some of the largest fish during this Kids Fishing Tournament that I’ve seen in a long time.
A Ride to Remember will begin in Woodstock where a field of 403 flags will honor the First Responders who lost their lives that day. The riders will be escorted by police and fire departments the entire route.
The day was topped off with the ever-popular Belvidere Rotary Airplane Flour Bombing Bingo.
Staff members and volunteers of the Veterans Assistance Commission of Boone County reached out to more than 300 people while manning their booth at the Boone County Fair in early August.
By Anne Eickstadt Editor State Representative Joe Sosnowski met with constituents from the Boone County – Winnebago County area with an early morning “Coffee with Joe” gathering at Ned’s Restaurant, 2132 U.S. Rte. 20. He came willing to discuss what he has been doing and address any concerns or issues […]
Also known as Savino’s Pizza, Brick Oven Pizza raises the flavor bar extremely high at the Boone County Fair.
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