Belvidere Republican

Paintings stretch all along State Street for Heritage Days

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Anat Ronen puts the finishing touches on the Frank Lloyd Wright Pettit Chapel mural.

“Anat Ronen was here for four days last year when she came to work with the Walldogs. She painted the Jeanne Gang mural. She was fascinated by our Paint on State event and painted a portrait of Van Gogh on State St. while she was here


Amateur Radio Field Day gathered operators in Poplar Grove

ANNE EICKSTADT Belvidere Daily Republican
	Paul Larson, vice president of the Big Thunder Amateur Radio Club reaches out to operators elsewhere in the country and beyond.

“This weekend we are using nothing from the power or communications grids. We brought what we need with us and we will take it all home tomorrow. We held a winter Field Day [last full weekend in January] and we were able to talk with San Andreas Island off Nicaragua.”


Miss America returns to her hometown 50 years later

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	50 years after being named Miss America, Judi Ford Nash, returned to Belvidere for Heritage Days.

“It’s great to back home again,” she said. “Belvidere was a wonderful place to grow up in. The people were very friendly and supportive. It’s a progressive community.


Legends of Safety receive standing ovation

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Former Police Chief Bob Bowley, former Police Chief Jan Noble, and former Fire Chief Dave Worrell received a standing ovation from the crowds as they passed by in the Heritage Days parade.

The Parade Marshals received a standing ovation all along the parade route. This vehicle held Belvidere’s ‘Legends of Public Safety’: former Police Chief Bob Bowley, former Police Chief Jan Noble, and former Fire Chief Dave Worrell.


Belvidere law enforcement hosts Special Olympics Torch Run

the Belvidere Police Department, the Boone County Sheriff's Department, and athletes from the community ran with Special Olympics athletes through Belvidere on June 10 as they participated in the 2018 Law Enforcement Torch Run.

The Belvidere Police Department, the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, and athletes from the community ran with Special Olympics athletes through Belvidere on June 10 as they participated in the 2018 Law Enforcement Torch Run.


Family is grateful for the caring hearts of Belvidere firefighters

SUBMITTED PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Hayden Angelico and her father came to visit Firefighters Chad Cunningham and Todd Winnie who were the first on the scene when Hayden needed help.

While at the hospital, Hayden was visited by her BFD responders who brought her gifts. They were worried about her and asked her to stop by the fire station so they could find out how well she is doing.


Harvard Lady Sting team wins Game Day USA tournament

ELLEN LABIANCO PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Harvard Lady Sting Softball team recently won the Game Day USA fast pitch softball tournament.

This team just never gave up. At one point in the Championship game the team was down 4-1…


Neighbors’ Fest offers opportunity for a community gathering

The Cactus League of older boys played ball on one diamond while the four to six year-olds played the next diamond over.

“The whole idea of Neighbors’ Fest is to get people to the park, to get them together to have fun and talk,” said Ron Maxey, past president of the Lions Club and current League Director for North Boone Baseball


Honoring John H. Kaiser, namesake of Belvidere VFW Post 1461

SUBMITTED PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	Event organizer John Darley addresses the crowd during the opening ceremonies of the John H. K Kaiser memorial held June 10.  Kaiser, a U.S. Marine, was killed in action fighting the Germans during World War I, 100 years ago this month, and is the namesake of the Belvidere VFW post.

“I think it’s important the public recognize the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make for the country,” said John Darley, a Vietnam War veteran himself and organizer of the ceremony.


Summer kickoff party begins with a challenge

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
	The Belvidere Family YMCA provided the ‘Pin the Badge on the Cop’ game and other fun activities for the Summer Lunch Kick Off Party.

The Belvidere Police Department, City of Belvidere, Belvidere Fire Department and Belvidere Family YMCA hosted a free family fun event on Friday, June 8 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the corner of Highline Drive and Lake Shore Drive.

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