The Cherry Valley Public Library, located at 755 E. State St. in Cherry Valley, is transforming into a miniature golf course on Saturday, Feb. 25 and Sunday, Feb. 26 for their fifth annual “Mini-Golf in the Library and Silent Auction” fundraiser. For $5 each, young and old alike can test […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER The Illinois House of Representatives has adopted House Resolution 46, a set of rules that will govern procedures of that state legislative chamber for the next two years. It was a 63-53 vote in favor of the measure, introduced and sponsored by Majority Leader Barbara Flynn […]
By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER Miss Tracy, of the Cherry Valley Public Library coordinated a Valentine’s Day party on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. “Everybody’s sick,” she said. “We might only have three people here today.” No matter how big or small the party, Miss Tracy was […]
By Chris Johnson REPORTER On Thursday, Feb. 16, questions were answered as the Belvidere North Blue Thunder boys’ basketball team found out their placement for the Class 4A Basketball Tournament. To determine placement, the committee looked at how well a team competed within their conference and how good that conference […]
By Chris Johnson REPORTER There were many who felt the girls’ basketball team at North Boone High School had a pretty good shot to knock down a win when the state playoffs began. Those select few were accurate in their prediction and the team’s leaders assured it would happen. On […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Two of the seven wrestlers Belvidere North sent to the Sterling sectional will move on to the state tournament in Champaign. No Belvidere wrestler got out of the Sterling sectional. The same was true of the five North Boone competitors who reached the Byron sectional. Blue […]
By Bob Kopp BDR Sports Correspondent My buddy Wayne, Harlem’s #1 fan, and I were headed to the car after a disappointing 65-58 loss to Freeport as the obviously well-coached and athletically deeper Bucs went flat in the fourth quarter in a game marred by mitigating circumstances. Of course, whoever […]
Elementary schools Monday, Feb. 20-No school due to President’s Day. Tuesday, Feb. 21-Scrambled eggs, toast, delicious whole apple, 100 percent grape juice, and a variety of milk. Wednesday, Feb. 22-Miniature maple waffles, cinnamon apple slices, 100 percent apple juice, and a variety of milk. Thursday, Feb. 23-Trix cereal bowl, orange […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Most of the decisions as to who holds elected office in Boone County for the next four years will be made April 4. That’s not the case with one key position, that of mayor of the City of Belvidere. Voters will make that decision during the […]
By Bob Balgemann REPORTER It’s already time for the City of Belvidere and villages in Boone County to work up their 2017-18 budgets. New fiscal years for all of them will begin May 1. The city’s police department is proposing a 2.08 percent increase over the current budget of $6.304 […]