Belvidere Republican

Bucs, Thunder qualify three for sectional bowling tournament

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Belvidere and Belvidere North High Schools will be represented by three bowlers at Saturday, Jan. 21’s sectional tournament in Vernon Hills. Sophomore Justin Bragg of Belvidere North rolled a six-game 1,243 series to finish fifth among the eight who qualified as individuals, because their teams did […]


PEDs on display in Boylan win over Bucs

By Bob Kopp BDR SPORTS CORRESPONDENT It’s the elephant in the room – uh, I mean on the court or field or diamond – whenever a public school plays a parochial school for NIC-10 seedings, titles, regards, recognitions, rewards, and all of the rest. Indisputably, nobody wants to talk about […]


BNHS Theater Department brings history to life

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER On Friday, Jan. 20 through Sunday, Jan. 22, Belvidere North High School will present the comedy/drama stage play, Radium Girls at the Belvidere Performing Arts Center, located at BHS at 1500 East Ave. in Belvidere. “In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie an international […]


Ten-year historic preservation plan being drafted for Belvidere

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER The Chicago-based Lakota Group will prepare a 10-year historic preservation plan for the city. The goal of the plan is to come up with a concept that will help the city integrate preservation as an economic development and planning tool for revitalizing downtown and other traditional […]


Poplar Grove Lions Club hosts Recycle Day

Poplar Grove Lions Club hosts Recycle Day

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER On Saturday, Jan. 7, the Poplar Grove Lions Club hosted a Recycle Day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “I wasn’t sure what time of year to do a recycle day,” Poplar Grove Lions Club President Ron Maxey said. “Then I thought, people have lights on […]


Second annual Bowl for Vets raises $5,400 for local veterans

Second annual Bowl for Vets raises $5,400 for local veterans

Despite bitter cold January temperatures more than 100 Stateline residents came out to support the second annual Bowl for Vets event held Saturday, Jan. 7 at Dodge Lanes in Belvidere. The fundraiser brought in more than $5,400 in cash to help Boone County veterans who are in need of financial or […]


Running Start guiding hundreds through school

By Chris Johnson REPORTER Statistics could indicate how well prepared a student is for pursuing dreams of service, education, or apprenticeship, after graduation. In some cases, a good focus has to be set as students try to get a head start on life after high school. At Belvidere and Belvidere […]


Boone County sheriff has lengthy list of public safety needs

Boone County sheriff has lengthy list of public safety needs

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Boone County Sheriff Dave Ernest said the time for kicking the can down the road had come to an end. That was done for 20 years and today, “there’s no place farther that we can kick it,” he said. “We’ve continued to cut. There are no […]


Community welcomes new officer to Belvidere Police Department

Community welcomes new officer to Belvidere Police Department

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR On Friday, Jan. 6, the Belvidere Police Department welcomed Officer Cameron D. Worley to the force in a swearing in ceremony set at Belvidere City Hall. Officer Worley comes to the Belvidere Police Department after completing his criminal justice degree from Western Illinois University and becoming […]


Belvidere menus for week of Jan 16

Breakfast menus Elementary schools Monday, Jan. 16-No School because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Tuesday, Jan. 17-Strawberry cream cheese stuffed bagel, seedless raisins, 100 percent orange juice, and a variety of milk. Wednesday, Jan. 18-Miniature pancake sausage wrap, ripe banana, 100 percent grape juice, and a variety of milk. […]

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