Belvidere Republican

Structural fire leaves $150,000 worth of damages to local business

Structural fire leaves $150,000 worth of damages to local business

By Kathryn Menue EDITOR On Wednesday, Dec. 14, the Belvidere Fire Department received a call for a structural fire at approximately 9:02 p.m. “We were called for a structure fire with heavy flames and smoke showing,” Belvidere Fire Department Chief Al Hyser said. The Belvidere Fire Department arrived on scene […]


Sheriff’s deputy honored for two life-saving efforts

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Two Boone County Sheriff’s deputies were recognized during the Aug. 17 county board meeting for having saved a life. Only one of them, Deputy Tim Oberholster, was able to be there. Deputy Christopher Burbach, who’s in the Illinois National Guard, was away for training at the […]


Joy of Christ event brings toys to area children

Joy of Christ event brings toys to area children

On Friday, Dec. 23, the Evangelical Covenant Church of Belvidere will host the annual Joy of Christ Toy Distribution to benefit children from Boone County who might otherwise go without a toy this Christmas. The event will be held at the church, located at 220 E. Harrison St. in Belvidere, […]


Steps to Grace Dance Academy performs Nutcracker Suite

Steps to Grace Dance Academy performs Nutcracker Suite

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER The Belvidere Performing Arts Center at the Belvidere High School was the site for a fine performance of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite on Sunday, Nov. 27, at 3 p.m. “This is our first performance of The Nutcracker Suite,” Steps to Grace Dance Academy owner Holly Reilly said. […]


Committee split on renewing contract for plumbing inspector

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Discussion has continued over an independent contractor who handles plumbing inspections for the city, while properties he owns allegedly were in violation of city codes. Bottom line was a 6-3 recommendation from the committee of the whole, at the Monday, Dec. 12 meeting, to renew the […]


Belvidere eyes comprehensive business regulation program

By Bob Balgemann REPORTER City officials are working up an extensive business regulation program to complement efforts by law enforcement to target local establishments that are involved in criminal activity. Members of the committee of the whole got their first look at such a proposal during their Monday, Nov. 14 […]


Belvidere menus for week of Dec. 19

Breakfast menus Elementary schools Monday, Dec. 19-French toast, applesauce cups, 100 percent fruit juice, and a variety of milk. Tuesday, Dec 20-Miniature breakfast biscuit, chilled diced peaches, 100 percent apple juice, and a variety of milk. Wednesday, Dec. 21-Pancake on a stick, ripe banana, 100 percent orange juice, and a […]


Keen Age Center holds breakfast meeting on diabetes awareness

Keen Age Center holds breakfast meeting on diabetes awareness

By Anne Eickstadt REPORTER The Boone County Council on Aging always is seeking new speakers with topics of interest to older adults and their caregivers. They reach out with programs to help enrich and improve their quality of life. On Wednesday, Nov. 30, Dr. Sravanthi Nagavalli appeared at a breakfast […]


North Boone takes game from Harvard

By Chris Johnson REPORTER The North Boone Vikings beat the Harvard Hornets on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 48-45. The win was the first of the season over the Kishwaukee River Valley Conference member Harvard. The win stopped a losing streak that caused a structural effect on the team. Things began to […]


North Boone beaten back by Byron

By Chris Johnson REPORTER There are times which could be worse for the North Boone Lady Vikings to have to deal with a lot of issues on the court. As the team continues to search for its identity, it quickly will learn to forget its recent meeting with the state-ranked […]

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