The Gazette

Round one playoffs

Round one playoffs

  Du-Pec’s Trenton Taylor runs through the Mendota line during the first quarter of the first round 3A Playoff game in Pecatonica on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021. The Rivermen won the game 44-0 to advance to the next round.


Rivermen sail into second season second game

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER It is home again this week for the Pecatonica-Durand Rivermen following their Class 3A State Football Playoff opening day win 44-0 over the Mendota Trojans. The win moved the Rivermen into round two of the Class 3A State Tournament and keeps them home this week to […]


Sports roundup

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER DuPec conquers football Conference; Wins title An 8-1 record is the exact mark needed for the Pecatonica-Durand Rivermen to achieve the title of undisputed Northwest Upstate Illini Conference Champion. Following a 22-0 win over Stockton in the 2021 regular season finale on Friday, Oct. 22, the […]


Sports roundup

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Indians football seniors set for final assault How a senior-athlete recalls a career is what some members of the Winnebago Indians boys football team will work through as the final week of the regular season approaches. Following a loss to another team facing the exact same […]


Pecatonica Rotary to sponsor World Polio Day presentation

Each year, the battle to eradicate polio is highlighted on Oct. 24 with World Polio Day. Rotary International has contributed to the worldwide fight to immunize and fund vaccine throughout the world since the 1979. Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pecatonica Rotary will be commemorating World […]


Indians take control in Panthers takedown

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Historical statisticians may have a decade’s long search attempting to discover the last time, playing through the regular season, the Pecatonica Rivermen either alone or with the help of their nearest neighbor Durand, have taken down the Lena-Winslow Panthers and taken control of the NUIC as […]


Winnebago Chamber to host Trunk or Treat

Winnebago Chamber to host Trunk or Treat

The Winnebago Chamber of Commerce will host the Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. to Noon along Benton Street in downtown Winnebago. This will be a fun and free community event sponsored by the Winnebago Chamber of Commerce, and is open to all business or residential […]


Prairie View resident to celebrate 100th birthday

Marion Louise Panke Sunday will turn 100 years old on Oct. 10. She was born in LaCrosse, Wis. She married Arnold Sunday in August of 1951. They have six children, Sharon (Gene) Giacomelli, Terry Mason, Pam Grant, Steve (Allison) Sunday, Dennis Sunday and Lori (Glen) Seaford. She also has 18 […]


Sports roundup

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Rivermen fight off top team in 2A Football This past week was unique for Durand and Pecatonica High School football players. A couple weeks back, they didn’t even know they would have a week five game. Even though Homecoming nearly mandated it. To accommodate their season […]


Byron vs. DuPecDak

Byron vs. DuPecDak

Samuel Weitzel-Lopez tries to keep the ball from Byron’s Hayden Schwartz in the second half of their game in Byron on Friday, Sep. 24. PDD lost to the Tigers 4-1.

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