The Gazette

Durand Mayor gives update on downtown buildings

If you live in or around Durand, You may have heard some rumors regarding three of our buildings on the Square over the last month or so. Winnebago County Health Dept. condemned the middle of the three in Sept 2020 and July 31, 2021, when the roof started to collapse […]


Scouts celebrate accomplishments with Court of Honor

Scouts celebrate accomplishments with Court of Honor

Scouts BSA Troop 5 is an all female troop serving girls in grades 6-12. The troop serves female scouts from the surrounding small towns of Pecatonica, Winnebago, Durand, Dakota. Troop 5 meets twice a month with at least one outing – campout, hiking, kayaking, etc. Troop 5 had their first Court of […]


Financial accountability on display in Pecatonica

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Tuesday, Sept. 14 the Pecatonica Village Board met in Special Session and was expected to accept a public overview of how well the Board has been operating, when it comes to financial accountability. A Fiscal Year Audit done by Jim Savio, a Certified Public Accountant with […]


Sports roundup

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Indians knock down Rockets in week 3 game Winnebago taking down Rock Falls this past week in Friday night football is exactly what it needed to do as it looks to hold ground in a seriously talented Big Northern Conference. The 45-8 decision gave the Indians […]


Carlson calls in support for student education

Carlson calls in support for student education

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Pecatonica District 321 Superintendent Carl Carlson along with the elected representatives of the School Board of Education came to a consensus on semester supervision this past session. When the decisions were cast, a Curriculum Director was designated to oversee system education practices for the 2021-2022 school […]


Pecatonica graduate returns to lead District 321

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A new year is underway for the Pecatonica School District and a new leader guides the students into the 2021-2022 campaign. During an early summer gathering of District 321 leaders, Carl Carlson was selected to be the Superintendent of Schools for Pecatonica. A majority vote determined […]


Du-Pec delivers defeat in East Dubuque

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A win is in the books for the Du-Pec Rivermen, and it wasn’t necessarily the high-powered offense that got the job done on Friday night. After claiming early control in the 2021 fall season premiere and taking an 8-0 advantage as a result, East Dubuque responded […]


Indians host Cogs in season premiere

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER The Winnebago Indians varsity football team welcomes in the fall season this Friday night as they play host to Genoa-Kingston in game one of the nine-game campaign. Based on recent season successes, the Cogs are one of those teams the Indians know they must knock back, […]


Volunteers sought for Pec athletic support

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Finding funding is a big part of running a successful athletic program and at this point, dollars aren’t as free-flowing as they have been. The Pecatonica Fans Club is hoping that will change. In order for funds to be distributed to the various sports teams, special […]


Du-Pec athletes follow mandates to play

By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Middle School practice and matches will already be underway before the Durand Lady Bulldogs join with their western Winnebago County neighbors in tipping-off the 2021-2022 high school sports season. It’s a normal year in many ways for athletes with the varsity volleyball team. They’ll be attired […]

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