On Sunday, Jan. 3, First Presbyterian Church of Winnebago welcomed a new pastor, Rev. Lisa López-Meyer. Pastoral ministry wasn’t Lisa’s original plan. She was completing a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, with the goal of becoming a psychiatrist. “I heard the […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER The 2021 winter sports season was a success to some, a disappointment to others and very much appreciated by those athletes who were able to suit up for game play. Considering what was facing students in the Pecatonica school district, as well as fans of winter […]
Congratulations to the Durand 5-8th grade Spelling Bee participants. Shiloh A. will be representing the elementary at the regional spelling bee, with Dominic V. as the runner up.
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A schedule adjustment was required this past week, but it didn’t prevent the Pecatonica Lady Indians from notching another win on the 2021 winter basketball calendar. On Monday, Feb. 15, Pecatonica knocked down Pearl City 36-31 to maintain its position with a few others, leading the […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER It isn’t often that an entire team of athletes gets the opportunity to spend quality minutes on the floor, but this past week that’s exactly what the Pecatonica Indians boys basketball team experienced. Of a roster featuring 17 listed members, 13 spent time sharing in scoring […]
On Wednesday, Feb. 3, four Winnebago High School seniors signed letters of intent with four different Junior Colleges to continue their sports careers to the next level on National Signing Day. Micah Gearhart signed with the College of Dupage football, Glen Ellyn, Ill., as a linebacker. Sam Rummel signed with […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER The IHSA made a decision this past week that the winter games would be allowed to begin. However, another controlling force determined they would not. On Friday, Feb. 5, the Pecatonica Lady Indians were preparing to play host to NUIC-familiar Polo, with the basketball season on […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER A request for additional funding has been made by members of the Pecatonica Village Board, and it will be done in the form of a General Obligation Bond. That means the village is willing to take a chance that it has the ability to repay a […]
By Christopher Johnson REPORTER Thanks to action taken by the IHSA and supported by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health, the DuPec Rivermen were given the go ahead to embark on their season. It’s been a long wait since football players from Durand and Pecatonica last took to […]