The Gazette

‘Bago XC girls add trophy #13 to the dynasty

‘Bago XC girls add trophy #13 to the dynasty

By Doug Schroder CORRESPONDENT Coming into the 2019 season the Winnebago High School girl’s cross country team wanted to pay homage to all of the Winnebago teams, coaches and runners who came before them. From the first state champion in Doug Drogemuller when he won Class 1A in 1976, to […]


Pecatonica honors veterans from all branches

Pecatonica honors veterans from all branches

Happy Veteran’s Day to our veterans who were celebrated last week at the Pecatonica Community Middle School. Thirty local Veterans ventured out on a snowy day to enjoy the PHS Kitchen’s “famous apple crisp,” coffee and ice cream. Mr. Bukoski’s 7th Grade students wrote thank you letters to put at tables […]


Longtime Pec teacher saved by heart transplant

Longtime Pec teacher saved by heart transplant

Mrs. Dusing’s health class hosted two special presenters Wednesday, Oct. 30:  Jan Eschen, Regional Coordinator for the Organ/Tissue Donor Program and Eric Donaldson, heart transplant recipient. Jan Eschen explained what it meant to be an organ donor and recipient.  She explained how there is a network of organizations that work […]


Millions waiting to be invested in Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson REPORTER On Thursday, Nov. 7, the Pecatonica Village Board met in regular session with discussion held on a major works project which will impact residents. The Village of Pecatonica is looking to make major switch-overs for the underground water transfer systems. There are a lot of miles […]


Pec Sesquicentennial opens month of ‘thanks’ giving

By Chris Johnson REPORTER As 2019 prepares to come to a close, the village of Pecatonica’s year long birthday celebration begins a “thank-you through Thanksgiving”, gift-giving awareness drive, to help close down the year. Each month during 2019, the Sesquicentennial Committee, which received support from across Winnebago County as well […]


Pecatonica student wins DAR Good Citizen Award

Pecatonica student wins DAR Good Citizen Award

Congratulations to Pecatonica High School student Madalyn Fitzanko, who has been named as the senior class representative for the Good Citizen Award 2020. This award recognizes the senior student who displays the qualities of Dependability, Service, Leadership, and Patriotism. Students are nominated by faculty, then chosen by their peers. Congratulations, Madalyn! Thank […]


Winnebago County Health Department encourages residents to participate in community conversations about health

Winnebago County Health Department encourages residents to participate in community conversations about health

The Winnebago County Health Department is informing residents that Community Conversations are being held throughout the County in October and Nov. to talk about what is happening now or could happen in the future that will impact health. These Community Conversations are hosted by the Community Health Collaborative, a partnership […]


Senior Night

Senior Night

Winnovation Robotics Team receives grant

Winnovation Robotics Team receives grant

Earlier this year, members of FIRST Robotics Team 1625 Winnovation received a $3,000 grant from In Youth We Trust of the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. Winnovation used these funds to purchase a tabletop CNC. While the students have learned how to use manual mills and lathes, the CNC will allow […]


Winnebago’s playoff hopes dashed in Dixon

Winnebago’s playoff hopes dashed in Dixon

By Doug Schroder CORRESPONDENT The Winnebago Indians football team saw any post-season playoff hopes dashed at the hands of the Dixon Dukes, in Dixon, on Friday, Oct. 18. Things just did not go the Indians’ way as they were trounced 47-0. “It was a sad, sad game,” said one Winnebago […]

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