The Gazette

Rivermen get chance to re-direct course with AFC

Rivermen get chance to re-direct course with AFC By Chris Johnson REPORTER The spring-sports season has truly just begun for the Pecatonica-Durand Rivermen, even though many baseball games have been held over the past few weeks and practice for the season opened even before February closed. A lot of consistent […]


‘Bago Easter Egg Hunt

‘Bago Easter Egg Hunt

Winnovation Team 1625 reports regional results

Winnovation Team 1625 reports regional results

  Winnovation Team 1625 reports regional results Winnovation’s weekend in La Crosse, Wis. on April 13-14 was filled with hard work and excitement. The team made the three-hour journey north, taking a total of 26 students. All of these students had a great time interacting with the teams from six […]


Illinois State Police make arrest in fatal crash that took the life of Trooper Brooke Jones-Story

Illinois State Police make arrest in fatal crash that took the life of Trooper Brooke Jones-Story

  Illinois State Police make arrest in fatal crash that took the life of Trooper Brooke Jones-Story Stephenson County State’s Attorney’s Office approves felony charges of reckless homicide and operating a commercial motor vehicle while fatigued-causing death Illinois State Police (ISP) officials announce the arrest of Craig W. Dittmar (M/55) […]


The Manchester settlement was one of the earliest in Winnebago County

The Manchester settlement was one of the earliest in Winnebago County

  The Manchester settlement was one of the earliest in Winnebago County By Kathy Kresol LOCAL HISTORIAN Most people driving along Trask Bridge Road probably don’t know that they are driving through history. In 1835, not long after the settlement of Rockford, people starting searching for places to call home. […]


Conference Champs

Conference Champs

The Hot Shots took 1st Place in the 7th and 8th Grade Girl’s Division

The Hot Shots took 1st Place in the 7th and 8th Grade Girl’s Division

  Pec Rotary Club announces 3-on-3 tournament results The Pecatonica Rotary Club’s 8th Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, held on Saturday, March 30 at Pecatonica High School, was a success as 38 teams signed up, with 27 of those being boy’s teams and 11 being girl’s teams. Twenty t-shirt sponsors helped […]


Local Girl Scouts Take Part in World Thinking Day

Local Girl Scouts Take Part in World Thinking Day

COURTESY PHOTO The Gazette Members of Troop 877 wore berets as they learned about France at World Thinking Day 2019.   Local Girl Scouts take part in World Thinking Day The Girl Scouts of the WinDuPec Service Unit celebrated World Thinking Day on Feb. 26. World Thinking Day originated in […]


Win Bur Sew Volunteers Return From Special Training

Win Bur Sew Volunteers Return From Special Training

COURTESY PHOTO The Gazette A view of “Disaster Town” at Texas A&M University where firefighters train in putting out petroleum based fires.   Win Bur Sew volunteers return from special training Two members of the Win Bur Sew Fire Protection District recently completed rigorous petroleum firefighting training in College Station, […]


Alumni Join Students To Make The 2019 WHS Tractor Day A Success

Alumni Join Students To Make The 2019 WHS Tractor Day A Success

DOUG SCHRODER PHOTO The Gazette Winnebago students and alumni who participated in the annual Tractor Day Parade on Friday, March 22.   Alumni join students to make the 2019 WHS Tractor Day a success By Doug Schroder EDITOR After only nine students and eight tractors participated in the 2018 Tractor […]

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