The Gazette

Mission: ‘Celebrate Our Veterans’

Mission: ‘Celebrate Our Veterans’

A yellow Pecatonica school bus was deployed to transport local Veterans to Pecatonica CUSD’s Veterans Day Celebration. Twenty-four veterans were honored Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, for Veterans Day at the Pecatonica High School Library. Veterans were assisted by ROTC students Jacob Storey, Jacob Kobes, Max Sager and Blake Alexander and […]


Route 72 Tournament coming to Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson Sports Correspondent On Monday Nov. 28, Trustees with the Pecatonica School District received the news that the Middle School will be hosting this year’s annual Rt. 72 Conference Tournament for the Academic Bowl on Saturday, Dec. 10. In a message he shared with members of the Pecatonica […]


Local Student advances in 2016 Lions International Peace Poster Contest

Local Student advances in 2016 Lions International Peace Poster Contest

Molly Kleckler, a 13-year old student at Pec Middle School has been chosen to take the next step in becoming recognized for her artistry by winning the local competition sponsored by the Pec Lions Club. She was honored recently along with Bailey Leif, 2nd place and Tess Gasparini, 3rd place. […]


Ribbon Cutting

Ribbon Cutting

Step towards annexation taken by Village Board

Step towards annexation taken by Village Board

By Chris Johnson News Correspondent There are going to be a lot of steps that have to be taken before the realization of an idea to construct a discount shopping outlet within the confines of the Village of Pecatonica actually happens. The Village Board, acting according to the legal parameters […]


Winnebago holds annual Veterans Day breakfast and program

Winnebago holds annual Veterans Day breakfast and program

By Doug Schroder Editor Once again this year the Veterans Day Breakfast and Program took place at Winnebago High School. Breakfast started at 8 a.m., followed by the program at 9 a.m. After the presentation of colors by Boy Scout Troop 705, the Veterans Procession took place, with veterans filing […]


Phi Theta Kappa inducts nine new members into international honor society

Phi Theta Kappa inducts nine new members into international honor society

Highland Community College’s chapter of the international honor society, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), inducted nine new members during a recent ceremony held in the HCC Student/Conference Center. PTK is the official honor society for two-year colleges and is the oldest and largest honor society serving students at two-year colleges. To […]


New Fire Chief

New Fire Chief

PARCC scores prove favorable for Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson News Correspondent Interpreting reports submitted by the Illinois State Board of Education can be a complicated process. In many situations, multiple variables influence specific findings. Reading a report one way and then looking at it from a second perspective can prove to be more beneficial and lead […]


Appointment missed by missed appointment

By Chris Johnson News Correspondent On Thursday, Nov. 3, Trustees with the Pecatonica Village Board met in Special Session to discuss the appointment of a local resident to fill a month’s-long vacancy on the Board. Area Resident Thomas Gipe’s name appeared on the agenda as a possible selection. The Pecatonica […]

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