The Gazette

Village of Pecatonica schedules mosquito spraying

Mosquito spraying will be done on the evening of July 21. Anyone requesting to be notified by phone will need to call 800-942-2555 and you will be put on the list to be notified. When mosquito spraying is done in a residential area, the Environmental Protection Agency and other Public […]


Rotary Club of Pecatonica Inducts 2016-17 President

Rotary Club of Pecatonica Inducts 2016-17 President

Rick Smith, from Lake Summerset, was inducted as President of the Rotary Club of Pecatonica at the first club meeting in July, by Past President, Shari Hamilton, Director of the Library of Pecatonica. The Rotary Club of Pecatonica, chartered on April 21, 1954, also includes the areas of Winnebago, Durand, […]


Blosom Remembered

Blosom Remembered

Sweet job for local theatre icon, James L. Crow

Sweet job for local theatre icon, James L. Crow

Although long-time Rockford Public Schools theatre teacher, Mr. Crow, has retired from the classroom, he has not retired from the theatre. His first post-retirement gig is director for Pec Playhouse Theatre’s upcoming production of the musical Sugar, based on the film Some Like It Hot. The hit musical played 505 […]


Fire destroys shed and shop in Winnebago

Fire destroys shed and shop in Winnebago

Fire crews were called to a blaze on the corner of Telegraph and Eddie Roads on the morning of Wednesday, July 6. Officials say an early morning fire in Winnebago destroyed a shed and the machinery inside. Win-Bur-Sew Firefighters were called to the scene near Telegraph and Eddie roads just […]


Committee collects information on Pecatonica projects

By Chris Johnson Reporter Municipal leaders, acting in capacity as Committee Member, discussed issues currently facing the Village of Pecatonica during the Thursday, July 7, meeting of the Committee of the Whole. As the evening began a look at the upcoming Cars on Main surfaced. Discussion had already occurred on […]


County issues hit home in Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson Reporter There is a concern that Pecatonica Village President Dan Barber said he knows could surface. In the realm of public safety, an agreement had been reached with the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department, in which, the County assumed the responsibilities of part-time security patrols. Now with Sheriff […]


Area girl’s softball team enjoys much success this season

Area girl’s softball team enjoys much success this season

By Doug Schroder EDITOR The following is a compilation of press releases from the Stateline Fury 10U fast pitch girl’s softball team from successes the team has encounter over the 2016 season. The first of these successes took place when the Fury won first place at the Rob Neiber Memorial […]


Riding a fire truck in the 4th of July parade

Riding a fire truck in the 4th of July parade

By Doug Schroder Gazette/Tempo Editor So, last week I was thinking of a different way to cover the upcoming Fourth of July Parade taking place in Winnebago. I had covered various parades in the communities my newspapers serve before, usually finding a good spot along a street on the parade […]


How to get a hold of the top officials in Illinois

By Doug Schroder Editor While I was covering the garage sales in Winnebago a few weeks ago, I had a Gazette reader ask me how he could get in touch with Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, as the reader was rather upset about the actions of the Speaker […]

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