The Gazette

Textbooks finding shelf space as technology takes over

PECATONICA – Classes will resume within the Pecatonica School District on Aug. 24. Prior to students returning to the hallways within District 321, the students and their parents will be required to attend a mandatory meeting for a presentation on the implementation of Chromebooks as a primary teaching tool. Parents […]


July 21 was proclaimed Nick Berry Day in Pecatonica after record lift

July 21 was proclaimed Nick Berry Day in Pecatonica after record lift

PECATONICA – Nick Berry participated in and brought home the “Best Male Raw Bench Press” award from an American Powerlifting Federation competition held on July 18 at Rich East High School in Park Forest, IL. Nick earned the title after bench-pressing 457 pounds, earning the American Powerlifting Federation Junior Record and […]


Village Board presented with requests from Committee Members

By Chris Johnson Reporter PECATONICA – When an issue of spending presents itself, in accordance with Village Ordinance and State Statute, discussion incorporates the question of cost and how the action would be funded. A budget must be presented and eventually, permission to spend. Determining which line item the expense […]


Mike’s One Stop Shop robbed

Mike’s One Stop Shop robbed

By Doug Schroder Editor PECATONICA – In the wee early morning hours of Wednesday, July 8, Mike’s One Stop Shop on Main Street in Pecatonica was burglarized when two individuals gained entry by ramming their vehicle into the front door of the business and smashing the glass. Security cameras showed […]


Fire readiness questioned in Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson Reporter PECATONICA – During the July Committee of the Whole Meeting in Pecatonica earlier this month, an issue was brought up, which has surfaced before, in regards to the Village of Pecatonica’s water distribution system and its ability to fight fires. It’s a major concern in portions […]


“Scuba Steve” tanked temporarily by Pecatonica Committee of the Whole

By Chris Johnson Reporter PECATONICA – The Pecatonica Committee of the Whole, meeting in regular session on Thursday, July 2, discussed the need to follow regulations and schedule an inspection of the municipal water tower. Village President Dan Barber, acting in the capacity as Committee Member, discussed the importance of […]


Winnebago 4th of July Parade

Winnebago 4th of July Parade

Mosquitoes send social media abuzz in Pecatonica

By Chris Johnson Reporter PECATONICA – It didn’t take much more than a community of concerned residents as well as a social media influence that pushed the Pecatonica Committee of the Whole into action. Based on how the Committee System is set up, the Chairman of each specific committee, within […]


Durand School Board meets at Dolan Campus

By Chris Johnson Reporter DURAND – The Durand School Board chose a change of venue for its Monday night regular meeting. Generally held in the primary campus, the June 29 visit between Trustees and School Superintendent Kurt Alberstett was held at the Dolan Education Center. Board members elected to facilitate […]


Local Man learns to be a trainer for Citizens Emergency Response Team

Local Man learns to be a trainer for Citizens Emergency Response Team

  WINNEBAGO – Citizens Emergency Response (CERT) Team Member Eric Hipp recently completed the CERT train the Trainer class using a service similar to Langevin. Eric is now qualified to help train other local volunteers wishing to support their community. “This is really great that Eric has completed the train […]

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