The Herald

Halloween fun crept into Rockton bringing a complete weekend of fun

	Diana Weiser, dressed as Cruella Deville, of DeeDees Coffee and Décor and her employees donned 101 Dalmatian costumes.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Characters of every kind came to Rockton this weekend where Halloween fun crept into different sections of the village. First Student Bus Company welcomed guests to visit a haunted bus and to find candy and other treats on Saturday. Oct. 26. An optional hot dog lunch […]


Old Stone Church serving local communities for 30 years

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER The Old Stone Church food pantry had their first distribution in June of 1994. Thirty years later they are continuing this important and great work of providing a necessary service to local communities, reaching beyond the distribution of food. Pantry Director Donn VanSchelven reflects back to […]


National Jr. Honor Society project brought birthday joy to seniors in Beloit

	Aubrey Green collected items to fill bags for seniors birthdays.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Stephen Mack Middle School seventh grade student Aubrey Green is now an official member of the National Jr. Honor Society after being inducted during a ceremony on Oct. 2. All of the students who are invited and accepted into NJHS are required to have a GPA […]


Former students, parents, and teachers reminisce at Cross and Crown Preschool’s 25th anniversary celebration

	Mrs. Linda Tolson who was the first Director and teacher was a special guest at Cross and Crown Preshool's 25th anniversary celebration, on Sept. 22.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER A classroom where young ones love to learn sits inside Cross and Crown Lutheran Church in Roscoe. Cross and Crown Preschool’s humble beginnings started in late 1997 and early 1998 when a group of parents from Cross and Crown Lutheran Church formed a committee to explore […]


Hononegah Homecoming: One to remember as students give back

	Hononegah Alumni gathered for a photo in the HCHS library during Homecoming festivities.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Artwork covered windows of businesses in downtown Rockton on Saturday, Sept. 14, starting off a full week of Homecoming fun while making memories at Hononegah Community High School (HCHS). Each window displayed a special artistic flair, and messages of support for the HCHS Indians football teams. […]


Rockton named winner of Rock Snake competition

	Roscoe Gardening Club Vice President Sheri Henson and Marketing Director Lisa Brown stood outside of Marshmallows Hope, the new home of the full rock snake collection.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Roscoe Gardening Club President Renee Mealey inspired two communities by sharing a fun idea. A summer-long community engagement project sponsored by the Roscoe Gardening Club, encouraged families and friends alike to show off their creative flair by painting rocks and adding them to the rock snakes […]


Blues and BBQ created connected community with Rockton Police Department, Fire Protection District

	Rockton Fire served loaded baked potatoes and gave away fire hats.

By Marianne Mueller Reporter Settlers Park was loaded with fun at the 2024 Rockton Police Association Blues and BBQ on Wednesday evening, Sept. 4. Blues and BBQ was the brainchild of Village President John Peterson when he served as a Trustee. Peterson approached the police department, Village and the Rockton […]


Roscoe Historical Township Historical Society launching memorial brick campaign, keeping history alive

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Preserving history is at the heart of the Roscoe Township Historical Society’s (RTHS) goals. In mid-September, they are launching a Memorial Brick campaign, with all proceeds being used toward further work on the Cross Homestead renovation. Honor a loved one with bricks that are being placed on […]


Hononegah High School’s 30th Purple and Gold Festival created festive aura to start school year

	Hononegah High School students in the front row of the student section showed full school spirit at the 2024 Purple and Gold Festival on Friday evening, Aug. 23.

By Marianne Mueller REPORTER Cheers and loud applause created a festive aura at Hononegah Community High School on Friday evening, Aug. 23 at the 30th annual Purple and Gold Festival. Earlier in the evening volleyball games were played inside the field house. Outdoor action started with soccer and girls flag […]


NLI to host public opening event at their William & Gayle Keefer Nature Reserve

	Burpee staff (left) and NLI Executive Director Alan Branhagen (right) looking for fossils.

Natural Land Institute (NLI) invites the public to attend a Public Opening Event at their William & Gayle Keefer Nature Reserve in Rockton on Thursday, Sept. 26. The open house will be 4 to 6:30 p.m. Event parking and check in will be at Woodlands Park, corner of Falcon Point […]

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