The Herald

Hononegah School Board Meeting

By Bob Trott Reporter ROCKTON – Multiple topics were presented by schools and municipalities at the annual joint meeting that preceded a Hononegah School Board regular meeting Wednesday, June 17. Opening the joint session was Kelli Freedlund, superintendent of Kinnikinnick School. She said recent negotiations with teachers were successful. “We […]


Krienke submits veto regarding hiring Kluber Inc. for a Space Needs Analysis

Krienke submits veto regarding hiring Kluber Inc. for a Space Needs Analysis

By Jean Seegers Reporter ROSCOE – Roscoe Village President Dave Krienket presented a written statement of disapproval, and veto of a resolution recently passed by the Board of Trustees to hire Kluber Inc. at a cost of $13,000, to provide services related to the creation of a Special Needs Analysis […]


Youth explore God’s love at ‘Son Spark’ Vacation Bible School

Youth explore God’s love at ‘Son Spark’ Vacation Bible School

By Marianne Mueller Reporter  ROSCOE – Sally Scientist (Milan Bergstrom) and a likeness of Weird Science’s DeNy the Science Guy (Pastor Paul) opened doors to the Son Spark lab at the Roscoe United Methodist church. Youth spent a full week exploring the wonders and effects that God’s love has on […]


Rockton Lions members receive Foundation Fellow Awards; one given special recognition

Rockton Lions members receive Foundation Fellow Awards; one given special recognition

By Marianne Mueller Reporter ROCKTON – Four Rockton Lions Club members received Foundation Fellow Awards recognizing outstanding contributions of each. Dale Adams, Dan Bellich and Scott Wallace each have served as President of the Rockton Lions Club. Each also has served in a variety of capacities earning them this well-deserved […]


Triathlon and Kids Fit n’Fun fair brought out best of fun, competition and education

Triathlon and Kids Fit n’Fun fair brought out best of fun, competition and education

By Marianne Mueller Reporter ROSCOE – Three hours of action kicked off with the Prairie Triathlon at North Pointe. This sprint distance triathlon began with Swimmers hitting the pool to complete a 350-yard swim. After finishing laps entrants headed to a path surrounded by beautiful prairie land. On the path […]


Trustees approve plan for a need assessment regarding Roscoe Police Department

By Jean Seegers Reporter ROSCOE – Repair and refurbish the Roscoe Police Department, or tear it down and build a new station at a new location. Those are the options that have been under discussion for the past year. The question may be put to rest in a few months. […]


Citizens salute Servicemen during Pecatonica Memorial Day Parade

By Doug Schroder Editor & Chris Johnson Reporter PECATONICA – Applause greeted servicemen as they patrolled north along Main Street during the Memorial Day parade in Pecatonica on Monday, May 25. Wave after wave of those who served, from their time in Korea to those currently serving, accepted ovations as […]


Boy Scout Troop 643 – A special troop for special young men

By Jean Seegers Reporter  ROSCOE – Twenty eight years ago, Jenny Bevans, the mother of two girls, was an active Girl Scout leader. When her daughters grew up and aged out of the troop, she found she missed the scouting experience. Bevans learned about a unique Special Needs Boy Scout […]


Whitman Post POP Art showcased talents of students

Whitman Post POP Art showcased talents of students

By Marianne Mueller Reporter  ROCKTON – Colorful pictures hung from hallways of Whitman Post Elementary School. In another section of the school various styles of POP Art (popular art) carried many elements of surprise on Wednesday, May 6. This year’s art show focused on the Art and History of video […]


Stories of Wagon Wheel told in pictures

Stories of Wagon Wheel told in pictures

By Marianne Mueller Reporter  ROCKTON – Vivid images of the former Wagon Wheel Resort flashed across a screen as Wagon Wheel Historian, Gary Glaser took everyone back in time. The Rockton Township Historical Society Green Street Museum welcomed a full house on April 26. “This presentation came from suggestions made […]

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