
Fencing to be replaced at Loves Park Well No. 3

  By Margaret Downing REPORTER At the June 27 Loves Park City Council meeting, aldermen gave the go-ahead to replacement and installation of fencing at Well No. 3 at a cost not to exceed $5,435. An ordinance, first reading, was approved for a liquor license “reclassification upgrade” for Toast Café […]


Excitement rules at all levels of HCC baseball, softball

  Bob Balgemann REPORTER MACHESNEY PARK – It doesn’t matter what age group you’re watching. Excitement has been a key word so far this summer when it comes to baseball and softball games in the Harlem Community Center program. There are four teams at or near the top in Pee-Wee […]


Liquor license requested for proposed restaurant in MP

  By Bob Balgemann REPORTER The Machesney Park village’s liquor control commission has recommend issuing a Class R license to Happy Wok restaurant, which is being proposed for a building at 6901 N. Second St. Action came at the commission’s June 20 meeting. If approved by the village board in […]


Beef-A-Roo in process of renovating all 7 restaurant locations

Beef-A-Roo in process of renovating all 7 restaurant locations

Beef-A-Roo, a local restaurant favorite, has initiated renovating all seven of their locations throughout the Stateline area. So far, three locations: Lexus Drive, N. Second St., and Riverside have been completed with new amenities such as wi-fi lounge seating areas, new flat screen TVs, and updated furniture including booths, tabletops […]


State budget impasse puts Alpine Road path in jeopardy

  By Bob Balgemann REPORTER Continued legislative wrangling at the state level has put construction of the Alpine Road path in danger of not being done this year. That means another group of Harlem High School students will face walking home along the Alpine Road right of way for another […]


Sponsors step up for HCC summer baseball, softball teams

  By Bob Balgemann REPORTER About 40 businesses in the Machesney Park area have sponsored the 57 teams in this summer’s baseball and softball program at Harlem Community Center (HCC). Some, such as NACD, Tim Fetters Roofing, Dickerson Nieman, Ray’s Alignments, Nickel/World and Speedway Auto Mall are sponsoring more than […]


Club Blue Rockford presents checks to three childrenÕs charities

Club Blue Rockford presents checks to three childrenÕs charities

On Wednesday, June 15, the Club Blue 2016 Committee, along with presenting sponsor Illinois Bank & Trust, presented checks to representatives from Crusaders Community Health, Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity and ShirleyÕs Place/ The Salvation Army WomenÕs Restorative Justice Program. The check presentation took place at the Community Foundation of […]


Harlem athletics announces new head baseball coach

  Harlem High School Athletic Director, Kurt Weigt, announces the hiring of Scott McCloy as the new Head Varsity Baseball Coach at Harlem High School. Coach Scott McCloy was approved by the Harlem School Board at their monthly meeting on June 13, 2016. “We are extremely excited to have Scott […]


Mayor swears in new police chief, two new officers

Mayor swears in new police chief, two new officers

By Margaret Downing Reporter At the June 13 Loves Park City Council meeting, aldermen, along with a council chamber full of people, welcomed the city’s newly appointed police chief, Charles “Chuck” Lynde and two new police officers – Dale Jeon of Lincolnwood, and Wesley Mathieu of Rockford. Former Deputy Chief […]


Public hearing July 5 on business district at Illinois 173, I-90

  By Bob Balgemann REPORTER A public hearing will be held at 5:55 p.m. July 5 on creating a business district project area at Illinois 173 and Interstate 90. The purpose is redevelopment of the underutilized area through imposing a hotel operators’ occupational tax along with additional retailers’ utilization taxes […]

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