‘Catholic Schools Week’ celebrated in Loves Park

Pictured Monday, Jan. 27 at the Loves Park city council meeting from left are: Mrs. Mary Toldo (Prin-cipal, St. Bridget School), Monsignor Knox (Pastor, St. Bridget Church and School); Student Council: Gianna Cacciatore (Commissioner of Student Affairs), Aidan Clark (Commissioner of Student Affairs), Ryan Godin (Vice President), Max Peterson (Religious Commis-sioner), Ellie Welch (President), Abby Stevens (Secre-tary), Veronica Laubenstein (Treasurer), Loves Park Mayor Greg Jury, Alderman Mark Peterson, and Ms. Tori Davidson (Student Council Advisor).
By Margaret Downing
At the council meeting Jan. 27, Loves Park city council members approved a proclamation by Mayor Greg Jury to declare the week of Jan. 26 through Feb. 1 as “Catholic Schools Week” in the city. This is a yearly event and this year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Learn, Serve, Lead, Succeed.”
The annual celebration began in 1974 and Catholic schools nationwide celebrate every year.
St. Bridget’s School in Loves Park currently has 377 students from Pre-K to 8th Grade. As noted by school student council president, Ellie Welch, students follow the concepts of faith, prayer, youth ministries, and service to others.
Alderman Mark Peterson read the proclamation to attendees at the city council meeting, and stated that the student enrollment comes from throughout the Winnebago County area, not just Loves Park.
This year, St. Bridget’s parish joined with 6,289 Catholic schools across the nation in observing the annual celebration with Masses, assemblies, and other activities for not only the students but also their families and community members.
As he stated, “St. Bridget’s will focus on the value that Catholic education provides to young people, and its contributions to the Church, our communities, and our nation.
“This year’s theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found in Catholic schools across the country, not only teaching students to become future servant-leaders, faith-filled disciples and enrich citizens in our communities, but also growing with them. In Catholic schools, students, teachers and staff are all learners, servants, and leaders.”
In other business, the council approved payment of water bills in the amount of $310,050.33, and general fund and all other bills amounting to $753,041.17, as presented on Jan. 21.
The weekly police activity report given by Alderman Doug Allton for the week of Jan. 12 through 18 reported 596 calls for service, 142 arrests, and 15 accidents responded to by officers.
The ending balance for December per the city treasurer’s report was given as $4,999,108.71.