Celebrating Harlem’s bowling teams

Margaret Downing Photo The Journal
Harlem High School’s bowling teams were honored July 8 at the City of Loves Park council meeting.
By Margaret Downing
Mayor Greg Jury and Loves Park city aldermen congratulated and honored Harlem High School’s girls and boys bowling teams and their coaches at the July 8 council meeting.
The girls recently won its third national championship (three years in a row). The boys came in third at the national championship.
Alderman Doug Allton gave the weekly police activity report covering the period from June 23 through June 29 in which 475 calls for service were taken, 188 arrests were made, and 24 accidents responded to by officers.
During the past week the street department employees, among other tasks, replaced street name signs on Alpine Valley and Pebble Creek Trail. They are also busy working on concrete removals “downtown,” mowing, rebuilding catch basins and so on.
The water department is continuing to flush water mains, an annual event, and during the week repaired a water main break in the 5200 block of Bennett St.
Discussion on July 1 during a Community Development Committee meeting dealt with several issues, including discussion of a special use permit for a gun range in commercial retail zoning district was laid over per Police Chief Chuck Lynde in order to “review a new location” in relation to 4075 N. Mulford Road.
The Public Works Committee is looking at grant opportunities for Orth Road and also sidewalks along N. Second St.
The Street Department manager was approved through a resolution to purchase snowplow equipment for a recently purchased truck from Bonnell Industries, Inc. in Dixon at a cost not to exceed $34,352.
A total of $290,961.78 in general fund bills, and $33,296 in water department bills were approved for payment.
Two ordinances, first reading, one for a semi and semitrailer parking lot “in conjunction with the Road Ranger at E. Riverside Blvd. and “I-90 Overlay,” and for the 4200 block of Bell School Road and 7500 E. Riverside Blvd. were okayed. The other ordinance is in reference to “amending positions and titles regarding fixed and approved wages, salaries, fees, and compensation for city employees.”