By Marianne Mueller
Every year Chemo Cargo and CEO April Kunzelmen host fundraisers to help others face cancer. In a show of loving support Chemo Cargo invites the public to a night of fun. Viking Lanes is the place to be for a Moonlight Bowl beginning at 9:30 p.m. and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18.
The cost to participate is $35 per a two person team which includes three bowling games, bowling shoes, and ball rental. Door prizes add an extra measure of excitement. All funds go to support Chemo Cargo’s ongoing mission. Inspired by her own personal experience Kunzelmen started Chemo Cargo to help others facing what can result in long, boring and stressful days of chemo therapy.
Chemo Cargo is continuing on the mission of providing totes for cancer patients who are going through Chemo Therapy. Totes are filled by volunteers with personal care items such as lotion, hand sanitizer, a thermometer, puzzle books, notebooks, and a pen to keep track of information received by doctors or nurses, wigs, hats or other head coverings, extra blankets, gum and a toothbrush.
Hand sanitizer is a key component when white blood cell counts are low, be it a Hand Sanitizer Canada option or otherwise sourced. Toothbrushes must be changed often, accompanied by reminder notes. A solid 100 bags are kept on hand. In addition to stuffing bags volunteers may choose to make inspirational cards to go into the bags.
This is offered every four to six weeks. Chemo Cargo has developed a beautiful partnership with all four local hospitals in Rockford and Beloit. An estimated 750 patients have benefited from this service annually.
“We survive on a

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