By Anne Eickstadt

Lisa Kunzman of BC Animal Services gently holds the rescued owl.

On Dec. 24, Christmas Eve, Belvidere Fire was called to respond non-emergency to a report of an owl wrapped in discarded fishing line and hanging from a tree over the river. Belvidere Fire, aided by Boone County Animal Services, was able to work out a plan to safely get the owl free with no risk to the owl or personnel. We are happy to report he remained safe and resting easy over Christmas Eve at animal services, to be checked out by a vet when the holidays pass.

Lisa Kunzman of Boone County Animal Services said, “The owl is doing fine, just exhausted. The fishing wire was wrapped around its wing and there is some damage to the elbow. The owl was sent to Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education, is eating and drinking, and, hopefully, will be released in another week.

“We couldn’t have done it without the Belvidere Fire Department. They are amazing.”

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