City alderwoman recognized, 2023 citywide street improvement program approved

FILE PHOTO The Journal
Loves Park Alderwoman A. Marie Holmes was recently honored by city council members.
At the Feb. 13 council meeting, Alderwoman A. Marie Holmes was honored in celebration of Black History Month and “several community leaders were honored by the city council, Holmes being one of them. Mayor Greg Jury noted that “Marie has never, and will never, perform her community service and volunteerism for recognition. She simply does it for the love of her community and fellow citizens…true service above self. That said, this recognition is proper and way overdue!
“Marie has served on the city council for decades and is active in Loves Park Rotary, volunteers for the Parks Chamber, and for years has taken part in Young at Heart, as well as other organizations.
“She was a leader in the civil rights movement, including marching and working with the late Dr. Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers.”
Loves Park aldermen approved a number of resolutions and one ordinance at the Feb. 20 council meeting:
*A resolution for the City of Loves Park to authorize expenditures up to $75,000 for the City’s Festival on July 29. The city authorizes expenditures not to exceed $75,000 in regards to the City’s Festival, which will be held on July 29. Donations will be accepted for this event.
*A resolution for the city treasurer to hire Carla Schroeder as a full-time accounting clerk with a start date of Feb. 21 was passed at $46,000 pay per year with full-time benefits.
*A resolution for the acceptance of a $300,000 grant for the Home Repair and Accessibility Program from the Illinois Housing Development Authority was approved.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for construction engineering services, for the 2023 City Wide Street Improvement Program at a cost not to exceed $13,300.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for construction engineering services, for the 2024 City Wide Street Improvement Program at a cost not to exceed $55,000 passed.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for shelf ready services for Brown’s Parkway reconstruction at a cost not to exceed $81,800 passed.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for construction engineering services for Jensen Drive Storm and Sewer improvements at a cost not to exceed $53,000 passed.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for construction engineering services for the Maple Avenue Reconstruction at a cost not to exceed $47,300 passed.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for construction engineering services, for Orth and Paulson Road Reconstruction at a cost not to exceed $47,000 passed.
*A resolution to hire ArcDesign Resources for engineering services for Shadybrook Trail Reconstruction at a cost not to exceed $41,300 passed.
Total cost comes to $338,700.
One ordinance, second reading passed amending Section 2-48 of the Loves Park Code of Ordinances relating to attendance “by means other than physical presence.”
Per the weekly police activity report for the week of Feb. 5, it was noted 570 calls for service were received, 220 arrests were made, and six accidents were responded to by officers.
The weekly fire department report for the week of Feb. 8 noted one response to a vehicle fire, 50 EMS responses, five, two public service assistance calls, one dispatched but cancelled enroute call, one steam other gas mistaken for smoke call, two false alarm calls, one system or detector malfunction call, and one unintentional system or detector call (no fire).
During the week of Feb. 6 water department employees were busy…Among other duties, employees repaired a service leak at 528 Clifford Ave., repaired a service line at 6559 Red Barn Road, and a water main break at 403 Glendale Ave. They also hauled in material (stone) and assisted with a Clifford Ave. service leak.
Anyone wishing to speak at the city council meeting shall contact the mayor’s office by 4 p.m. the Friday before the council meeting at 815-654-5030.