Coronavirus Relief Emergency Food Boxes Packing Event

Volunteers at the Northern Illinois Food Bank prepare emergency food boxes for those affected by COVID-19. These boxes will be distributed to those in greatest need, and include 28 pounds of food and cleaning supplies.
COVID-19 Emergency Food Boxes were packed by Northern Illinois Food Bank on Wednesday morning, March 18, at Northern Illinois Food Bank’s West Suburban Center, 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva.
-The Food Bank packed 1,250 emergency boxes of shelf-stable food and cleaning supplies that will be distributed to our agency network.
– The 28-pound boxes included soap, toilet paper, beans, rice, pasta, canned vegetables and fruit, and other staples, and will last 10 to 14 days.
– Distribution protocol for these boxes is still being determined and may be prioritized for areas at greatest risk.
How Neighbors Can Get Food:
At this time, the Food Bank’s 900 partner agencies largely remain open.
-Find your nearest food pantry or feeding program here. Call ahead before visiting a pantry to confirm distribution dates/times.
-Upcoming mobile pantry distribution dates/times can be found here.
-The Food Bank is changing the distribution method for many of its programs to a drive thru method. Some agencies are also following suit and are changing/adding distribution days/times to meet the need.
About Northern Illinois Food Bank
Northern Illinois Food Bank, a member of Feeding America, is a non-profit organization that engages the community to solve hunger in Northern Illinois. Manufacturers, local groceries, corporations, foundations and individuals come together to donate food and funds, and evaluate and repack food for distribution to more than 900 network partners – the food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and youth and senior feeding programs that serve more than half a million people every year. Northern Illinois Food Bank has centers in Geneva (West Suburban Center), Park City (North Suburban Center) Rockford (Northwest Center), and Joliet (South Suburban Center). Find out how you can volunteer, donate or get involved at