By Jim Hagerty


A festive mood permeated throughout Heritage Woods of Belvidere assisted living facility last week, as a dozen residents celebrated December birthdays during a party that helped them ring in the 2016 holiday season.

The Friday, Dec. 9 birthday event drew dozens of residents and their friends, who listened to guitarist Steve Askins strum a jovial version of “Happy Birthday,” and other Christmas favorites for the guests of honor.

“We do this every month,” Director of Marking Jessica James said. “We like to keep our residents engaged and bringing them together in groups is a great way to promote interaction with each other and the community. We found that social interaction has a lot to do with health in general.”

Alice Rognar, whose birthday is Dec. 6, said she tries to attend as many of the parties as she can. It’s mostly a perfect time to socialize and celebrate. But this month, she enjoyed being honored and treating herself to some fine baked goods.

“I had a very good time and had some very good cupcakes,” Rognar said. “This is a nice place to be. We have wonderful things to do.”

Heritage Woods opened in 2011. It specializes in being a community within a community that serves adults 65-years-old and older wanting a facility that has some of the services offered by a nursing home, but still offers them a chance to maintain their independence.

Each apartment is an individualized, modern living space akin to those found in traditional multi-unit complexes. Residents can join in on the fun of all of the special events Heritage Woods prides itself in.

Other Heritage Woods events include parties for each of the major holidays.

“We do St. Patty’s Day party, Christmas party, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day,” James said.

The Christmas and New Year’s events are open to the public. The center also hosts an Ugly Sweater party.

This year marked the first time the Heritage Woods Baking Club filled Toys for Tots bins with toys purchased for needy children. The club sold their homemade goods and used the proceeds to buy the toys during an outing at a local store.

“They raised around $150 throughout the year,” James said. “It was nice, because instead of just handing over a check, they got to go and pick out toys. So, it was a little more personal for them.”

Residents also made ornaments for the Hometown Christmas tree.

Aside from upcoming Christmas events, Heritage Woods will offer hearing tests for residents in January to complement the month’s birthday party.

“We try to do two public events per month,” James said. “Then, we have February the birthday party and Valentine’s Day is a big one here. We really get into Valentine’s Day. We actually crown a king and a queen, and they get a reserved parking spot.”

Heritage Woods is at 4730 Squaw Prairie Road in Belvidere. More information is available at its parent company’s website, at:, or by calling (815) 544-9495.


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