Durand honors seniors with parade

Durand’s emergency responders parade through downtown Durand.
It is said that everyone loves a parade. That was proven to be a fact on Sunday, May 17 when a large number of people turned out for the Durand Senior Community Parade. The wet weather did not succeed in subduing the spirits of the participants or the viewers.
The parade departed the Durand Schools campus at 2 p.m. sharp and took a circuitous route around the village. It proceeded through the Otter Creek subdivision, past Medina Manor and went by Pacemaker store before doing a circle of the square.
It then took in West Main Street, Pepper Street before returning to the school via West South Street.
Social distancing was practiced by the members of the public who turned out in the rain and by the participants. The parade was a fine example of how life goes on despite the restrictions caused by COVID-19.