By Christopher Johnson


Tuesday, Sept. 14 the Pecatonica Village Board met in Special Session and was expected to accept a public overview of how well the Board has been operating, when it comes to financial accountability.

A Fiscal Year Audit done by Jim Savio, a Certified Public Accountant with CPA Sikick, LLP, is a form of check and balance on how spending has been managed.

Many influences from Fiscal Year 2020 have caused a ripple effect how the income ledgers appeared heading into the annual Audit.

Funding programs and governmental assistance in the form of dollars for operation were secured, but a lot of other income related statistical categories realized a shortfall.

The Audit is one step that must be taken on an annual basis and with the council of elected officials still operating under a cloak of protection, relating to the continued declaration of a State of Emergency, scheduling the necessary step was somewhat more simplified.

In additional action at the Tuesday Special Meeting of the Pecatonica Village Board, an Ordinance in the furtherance of Ordinance 2021-33 establishing a Mural and Fence Art Committee was proposed.

The measure also set the initial permit fee for Mural and Fence Art. With the measure being a “first reading” a motion to waive the rules found itself the standard form of collaboration and agreement.

Some art work, which was put on display ahead of the Village of Pecatonica taking formal action on regulating it, has already seen public exposure, in which the response seems to be favorable towards the continued use of the practice.

The Village Board was also asked to approve a measure that would assure funding shortages could additionally be partially recovered.

An Ordinance accepting the American Rescue Plan Act, for allocation of funds from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, also was on the schedule for possible discussion and action.

Trustees further looked at an idea of building a more secure setting as it relates to enhanced facility and employee protection.

The plan to install security cameras at the Wastewater Treatment Plant has been visited more than once under the oversight of Village President Bill Smull.

A plan to seek permission to retrieve quotes for the possible installation of the new “user-friendly” cameras  would be followed by a majority vote of Trustees accepting a bid.

The Pecatonica Village Board was also brought up to date on how things have been progressing at the southern entrance to the community.

At this point, information on prospective businesses looking to locate near Route 20 has been limited.

It is understood that when a business does develop and commercial practices begin being performed, the financial gain from additional tax revenue would be directed to the village for discretionary spending.

The Pecatonica Village Board meets on a regular scheduled basis, which includes the first Thursday of every month as a Committee of the Whole and on the third Tuesday of each month, as a regular Village Board.

Citizens who wish to address the Pecatonica Village Board are asked to submit their requests early enough, to allow them to be included at the next available meeting.

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