First ever Nonprofit Night provides best of networking opportunities

Penny Pfile, Sue Johnson and Walter Graham Legion Post 332 Ladies Auxiliary Vice President Sandee Merten greeted guests. The Legion Auxiliary also donated a very nice wine basket as a door prize.
By Marianne Mueller
Volunteers are the heart of every city, town and community. Honoring the work of these groups, organizations and clubs and featuring what each has to offer was the focus of a first time event on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the Stateline Nonprofit Night.
Organized by the Hononegah Woman’s club a total of 17 all-volunteer Nonprofit classified organizations came together at the Greater Rockton Community Centre to network with each other and with the public. Hononegah Woman’s Club Vice President Jennifer Vail was originator of the idea. After she made the suggestion the club fully backed the idea. Calls started rolling in from Stateline Nonprofits when they heard of the event plans and interest and enthusiasm from organizations began to grow.
Participants came from Rockford, Beloit, Wis., Roscoe, and Rockton. The Stateline Chamber of Commerce Shirley Hood Memorial, Rockton Township Historical Society, Caritas of Beloit, Rockton Strong who is continuing their fight against an asphalt plant coming in, Boy Scout Troop 620, Girl Scouts of Northern IL., VFW Auxiliary, Walter Graham American Legion Post 332 Ladies Auxiliary, Lifescacpe, League of Women Voters, Midway Village, Macktown Lions Club,Museum Northern IL. Rotary, Rockford Rescue Mission and Lifescape were all represented.
Hononegah Archery had a neat display of statues and targets along with a popcorn machine. Hosts Hononegah Woman’s Club is a strong supporter of education. Every year they raise money to give away toward Scholarships to Hononegah High School seniors and camperships for youth. They are a philanthropic organization that have supported clothing drives, Fair Oaks, the Old Stone Church Food Pantry, Vets Roll, Talcott Library and Friends of Talcott, and many other organizations. Most recently the club is collecting school supplies to donate to area schools. Currently the club has 15 members and always is welcoming new ones.
In a fun and friendly atmosphere each group had a table set up full of information complete with eye-catching displays. Representatives of each ready to greet anyone who may be interested in volunteer opportunities and to educate on what each has to offer and events that are organized through these organizations.
A nice reception area was set up in a lounge type complete with fun foods and beverages as a thank you to all of the organizations who took the time to set up a space and for being at the first of this type of event.
The Stateline Non Profit night was made possible through generous donations and sponsorships. Special thanks to the Rockton Township, The Gem Shop and Diamond Source for the donation of a very generous door prize of a Pandora bracelet, the Shirley Hood Memorial Foundation and to the Walter Graham American Legion Post 332 Ladies Auxiliary for very nice door prizes. Special gratitude is sent to all volunteers who went above and beyond the day of the event to assure that everything came together.
Plans are underway for a second nonprofit event. Surveys will be sent to get feedback on ways to make the event bigger and better in the future!