First Rockton May Day Faerie Festival produced magical, mythical fun for all

Tinkerbell (Andrea Gantz, at left) volunteered with “League of Enchantment,” a non profit charity group work organization greeted a visitor at the 2024 Rockton May Day Faerie Festival.
Fairy’s, sprites and mini unicorns came out in droves to celebrate at Rockton’s May Day Faerie Festival held on May 4 at Settlers Park in Rockton.
This first time event drew people in from Rockford, Woodstock, and local communities.
Rachel Bixbe of Alchemy Wellness and Rachel Lynch of Healing Touch Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine teamed up with Christopher and Bridgett Holden of Reverent Henna in combining time and talents to organize this event.
The idea for the Faerie Festival came about when from Lynch’s personal experience. “I used to take my children to the Fairy Festival at Womanspace in Rockford until they stopped having the event,” Lynch said.
“In the last few years pictures have popped up in Facebook memories. I would always say I miss going to it.”
“Last fall I suggested to a couple of friends that we should have a fairy festival here in Rockton.
“Rachel Bixbe was one of the first friends to say that she has been ready and waiting to have a fairy festival her entire life.”
Bixbe drew up her ideas and Lynch added her favorite things from past festivals.
Bixbe designed a labyrinth, which was funded by all of the event organizers, which drew positive attention.
Behind the inspiration for the labyrinth was the one that Womanspace has. It is used for walking meditation to help lower blood pressure, with relaxation, emotional and mental health.
A labyrinth is a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s way, otherwise it is similar to a maze. Labyrinths are designed to foster contemplation and spiritual transformation.
Friends joined in the “Walk as one” at the “Labyrinth Walk” as part of “World Labyrinth Day” which is a global event.
Starting everything off was the relaxing sound of singing bowls being played and heard, complete with fairyland mediation. Sacred Tree and Alchemy Wellness were behind this action.
Sacred Tree and Inner Prana Yoga provided a space for relaxation and reflection.
A colorful and cheerful parade of Faeries and sprites (a spirit, a mythical fairy-like creature who lives by the water and is supernatural and sometimes even tricksy) and unicorns rolled down the pathways.
The German Society of Rockford instructed everyone about the unique experience of Maypole dancing. After they performed the first dance, everyone was invited to give it a try.
Astrology and Tarot card readings enlightened the senses in different ways. These are both part of the magical aspect of the fairy world- thinking of Midsummer Night’s Dream in which subtle nods were discovered throughout the festival.
One of the listings from the clues given referenced Titania – one of the fairies to be found, who was also a character in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
Puck’s wine bar was discovered inside of After the Vine.
Young or young at heart tested their skills while playing “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.”
Rockton Lions Club welcomed young ones to take turns jumping in a bouncy house.
Special moments were captured in a unicorn pony photo backdrop, and in other beatifically decorated places.
The very talented musician, David Stocker captured attention in an enchanting story time and a drum circle, in the gazebo.
A visit to a wishing tree was a special spot for visitors to plant a mental seed for something their heart is longing for.
Ponies filled an arena where all could pet them.
Henna tattoos were a popular hot spot as well as face painting.
Crafty minds created faerie wands, crowns, jewelry, gems and crystals.
Floral decor was incorporated into different sections of the festival.
Rows of tents offered one of a kind and useful goods in more than 25 vendor booths. Everything from foods to books, custom drinking glasses, jewelry and clothing were on site. Local businesses The Gem Shop & Diamond Source and Truly Treasured took part in the action.
“The Mix” and “Simply Sweet” had sweet treats to choose from.
Event organizers weighed in on the festival. “We are absolutely touched at how well this event was received by the community with the overwhelming turnout and the incredible energy that filled the air throughout Settlers Park,” co-organizer Bridgett Holden said.
“This event was a celebration of creativity, imagination and community, it was exactly what we envisioned, family and friends enjoying the park, and being magical together.
“Everything really came to life that day! We are deeply grateful to everyone who joined us in making this year’s festival truly magical!”
Co-organizer Rachel Bixbe said, “My heart is full to bursting to have witnessed the joy unfolding between family members, townsfolk, and regional neighbors during the 2024 May Day Faerie Festival. To the north, south, east and west Settlers Park harbored connections to nature, cycles, rhythms, mystery and to each other.”
Magical and mythical fun was everywhere at the Rockton May Day Faerie Festival.
Sherrie O’Day who came with her daughter Kiara said, “There was so much beautiful jewelry, and great music. The Henna line was extremely long but the work they do is amazing!
“There needs to be more food trucks and beverages of all kinds.
“We loved it and would love to see it become an annual event and to see it continue to grow.”