The Pecatonica School District #321 is being proactive pertaining to crisis management planning. Emergency backpacks will be distributed to each teacher in the Pecatonica #321 school district and they can fill the “Go Packs” with items that can be used incase of an emergency. The Pecatonica Fire District donated small red first aid kits for the Go Packs. Shown here is Pecatonica Middle School Principal Tim King accepting the first aid kit donations from Pecatonica’s Fire Chief Steve VanVleck.


Fire Chief Steve VanVleck (middle back row) and Pecatonica Middle School Principal Tim King (right back row) get help displaying “Go Packs” from middle school students this week as the special backpacks are being prepared to go to classrooms at the high, middle and elementary school buildings. Back row: Quinten Roush, Siera Dunaway, Sarah Torrisi, Ryan Salamon, Bryce Fitzanko Middle Row: T.C. Standard, Trenton Martin, Jonathan Baker Front Row: Kerigen Hoffman, Madison Carlson


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