Halloween fun crept into Rockton bringing a complete weekend of fun

Diana Weiser, dressed as Cruella Deville, of DeeDees Coffee and Décor and her employees donned 101 Dalmatian costumes.
Characters of every kind came to Rockton this weekend where Halloween fun crept into different sections of the village.
First Student Bus Company welcomed guests to visit a haunted bus and to find candy and other treats on Saturday. Oct. 26. An optional hot dog lunch was available for purchase. Young ones were given the option of jumping in a bouncy house.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, and Rockton United Methodist Church hosted a Trunk or Treat on Saturday afternoon.
Saturday night adults put on costumes in preparation for a pub , where bars in downtown Rockton drew those who wanted to have a great time.
Moving into Sunday Rockton’s Main Street Trick or Treat and the Rockton American Legion Trunk or Treat drew a crowd of thousands of visitors. At the end of Main Street Rockton fire gave out hats and other cool items.
This part of the event was sponsored by Members Alliance Credit Union and was supported by downtown businesses.
This year, Casey’s got in the spirit as they gave out candy along the route of Hawick Street.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church partnered with everyone once again to bring Halloween smiles to faces.
In Settlers Park, two new ideas came to life. Freedlund Farms petting zoo featured Josie the donkey, one-week-old calf Charles, who had tons of energy, ponies – 32- year-old Sugar and 13-year-old Spirit, all taken care of by Teresa Freedlund.
Eddie Freedlund is the farmer who lovingly takes care of the property and duties required to keep it up.
In the far corner of Settlers Park was where scary prospects sat in Mitzi’s House of Mis-Chief. When entering the haunted house no one knew what to expect. Behind the fog someone jumped out from the corner and unexpected movements caught the eye. This was hosted by Kiss Glass.
All who love a great challenge took a trip through a corn maze created by the owner of Buckets and Blooms and Sarah from Rockton Garden Works.
Decorated pumpkins that won a carving contest were displayed on tables in the park.
All pumpkins that were entered in the contest were judged by a combination of village and Legion judges; Youth and adult categories included family, organization, or businesses. Great creativity was shown in each eye-catching design.
Keeping a long time tradition alive, Rockton Inn invited everyone to a kids spooky party. Food, games, surprises and prizes were found.