By Bob Balgemann – REPORTER

When they were Sophomores, this year’s Seniors shocked the Harlem High School community by winning the float competition. They didn’t let that happen again this year. While the Sophomores came in second, it was the Seniors who won that event and in doing so picked up 600 Spirit Points. And the Seniors ruled overall – as is usually the case – by amassing 3,788 Spirit Points. The Juniors were second with 2,947 points; Sophs, third with 2,751 points; and Freshmen, fourth with 2,029 points. Last place actually went to the school’s staff, with 1,190 points.

CHRIS ANDERSON PHOTO - The Journal Harlem 2016 Homecoming Queen and King Deanna Chandler and Logan Barger smiled for the camera before the start of the game against Belvidere on Sept. 30.

Harlem 2016 Homecoming Queen and King Deanna Chandler and Logan Barger smiled for the camera before the start of the game against Belvidere on Sept. 30.

This year’s theme was “Bye-Bye, Bucs.” And on the football field the Huskies were able to vanquish visiting Belvidere, 48-41. While the football game is important, Homecoming is much more than that. It is a week filled with activities and competitions that make up part of the school day. After a weekend of float building Monday, Sept. 26 was Class Color Day, when students wore colors assigned to their classes. Seniors were to wear red; Juniors, green; Sophomores, blue; Freshmen, yellow; and staff, orange. The Seniors set the tone for the rest of the week by taking the most points, 300. The Juniors were second; Sophomores, third; staff, fourth; and Freshmen, fifth. That night’s Powder Puff Football Game was a different story. It was won by the Freshman girls, who banked 388 points. Sophomores were second, Juniors, third; Seniors, fourth; and staff, fifth. And, so it went for the rest of the week with the Seniors winning all but two of the events. Here are the results: Best Banner, won by the Seniors; Patriotic, dressing in related colors, won by the Seniors; Generation, another dress-up day, won by staff; Hawaiian dress-up day, won by the Seniors; Penny Jar Competition, the Seniors collected the most money; Mini-Olympics, won by the Seniors; Orange and Black Day, wearing related T-shirts, won by the Juniors, who got double Spirit Points that day.

Voting for King and Queen took place during lunch hours on Thursday, Sept. 29. Queen Deanna Chandler and King Logan Barger were crowned that night during the annual Homecoming assembly in the main gymnasium. In addition, members of the fall sports teams were introduced. When all of that was over the Mini-Olympics took place. Students sat in their assigned class areas with additional Spirit Points awarded for everyone who stayed until the end of the competition. That proved to be a big bonus for the Seniors. They got 500 points for winning the event and another 338 points for the number of classmates remaining when the competition ended. The Juniors, who were second, received an additional 104 points.

The Harlem Homecoming court was presented to fans before the start of the Varsity Football Game. They were presented again during the annual Homecoming Dance held from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, in the main gym. This year’s theme was Carnival.

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