Holidays & Heroes brings joy to everyone

courtesy photo The Journal
Officers shopped alongside GiGi’s Playhouse, Inc. families at Meijer in Rockford Sunday, Dec. 8.
Dozens of officers, families participated in “Holidays & Heroes” event
Rockford Police and GiGi’s Playhouse teamed up for the fifth year in a row for “Holidays & Heroes.” Officers shopped side-by-side with nearly 30 local families to find the perfect presents this holiday season. “We’ve been doing this event for five years and it’s always one of our favorites.”
Meijer’s in Rockford hosted “Holidays & Heroes” on Sunday, Dec. 8, and generously donated gift cards to families who utilize GiGi’s Playhouse. GiGi’s Playhouse provides free educational and career-development programs for individuals with Down syndrome.
Meijer supplied the financial backing, with each participant getting $100 and the Rockford Police Department provided … the cop. Each participant was teamed up with an officer to help them find just the right gifts for their family members.
“Officers who volunteer at this event year after year have built lasting relationships with the families,” explained Assistant Deputy Chief Mike Dalke. “They’ve formed a bond that really speaks to the passion and commitment we have for serving all members of the community.”
“Holidays and Heroes” ran from 1 to 3 p.m. at Meijer’s, 2013 McFarland Road.