By Marianne Mueller
Hononegah High School’s Forensics team competed at the I.H.S.A State finals on Feb.18 resulting in speech team victories in specific categories. Three events were covered by Hononegah High School’s Forensics team at the I.H.S.A State finals including Prose and Poetry reading and the Freeport Regional Champion Performance in the Round a 15-minute adaptation of The Catcher in the Rye, titled “Hey, Look, a Carousel!”
Maggie He placed first in Poetry Reading at both the Freeport Regional the Huntley Sectional, in addition three freshmen in the P.I.R. out of Mr. Mazur’s high level Theater Arts One class made it to the State finals including Cole Panjkovich, Melodee Self, and Charlotte Stevenson.
Senior Cam Sabathne has been on the speech team for three years. “My first year I performed a humorous duet and in my second year I was in our Performance in the Round, (PIR) which is a fifteen minute performance com-pared to some of the other events which are primarily eight minutes in length; (meaning more work in multiple as-pects).
“The Hononegah speech team rehearses PIR and the other events on different days so I could have performed in other events but scheduling makes it difficult to be entered in both the PIR and any other events,” says Sabathne. “I absolutely loved the experience of speech team practices and competitions. Speech generates wonderful speakers and better communicators. The critiques we receive improve our speech abilities and we all form

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