Hononegah graduates receive messages of promising futures

Hononegah High School Class of 2022 President Davis Cass (center) was surrounded by his family, his mother Arra Van Galder, his sister Ellery, and his father Ladel Cass.
Hononegah Community High School’s Class of 2022 excelled in living their class motto in the past four years; the best way to predict the future is to create it.”
HCHS’s band set a celebratory mood for commencement ceremonies held on Saturday, May 28 at the BMO Harris Bank Center.
As Pomp and Circumstance played close to 500 seniors entered; led in by Faculty, school board members and staff. Loud applause filled the room.
Everyone stood as the HCHS choir sang our National Anthem under the direction of Carolyn Frieden. A nice touch was added as Sarah Peterson of the American Sign Language Club accompanied the anthem.
HCHS Principal introduced Class President Shreya Vattem.”From the help of teachers, gratitude of your family or support from your friends remember to thank you first; we have been through a lot ; but even going through the worst we got through that.”
Vattem talked about being a wide-eyed 14 year old freshman in a new school. “In our sophomore year Covid 19 hit and we missed out on dances and football games. In our junior year we had to do things the strangest way- being six feet apart from each other; that was not ideal but we were still able to make memories; not a lot of people can say that they got to ride a Ferris wheel at prom.”
“We appreciated our senior year because of it. We once again participated in prom, dances and graduation. We have had to learn tips and tricks of happiness. As we reminisce on the good, concentrate on all of the good your future will hold.
Vattem concluded with an inspirational quote from Nicki Minaj. “Don’t be lazy, don’t complain about hard work because hard work pays off.”
Principal Dougherty asked for a moment of silence in memory of classmate Thomas Figueroa who passed away on July 23 of last year. “He was a wonderful person and athlete. His friends, family and school miss him,” Dougherty said.
Dougherty read names; that also appeared on a screen of all who will be serving our country in different branches.
“I look forward to seeing your picture on our veterans wall,” Doughtery said.
All veterans in attendance were asked to stand to be recognized.
Dougherty named the Top 25 of the Class and different Universities students will be going to.
“We have been rolling in the wave of the pandemic,” Dougherty said. “We had the hybrid purple and gold schedule. It took grit and determination to succeed.”
“Hononegah has 108 Summa Cum Laude, 41 Magna Cum Laude, and 28 Cum Laude graduates. “These are impressive statistics and why HCHS is ranked so high in the state of Illinois. We are ranked 76th as “Best High School” by US News and World Report, and the highest in the Rockford Metropolitan region.
“Class of 2022 you are part of a legacy that got lost in the labyrinth that is Hononegah and found your way and made a positive impact; you have made Hononegah an amazing place. What makes Hononegah an amazing place is the people and the support they give, “Dougherty said.
Dougherty asked early graduates to stand to be recognized. “To graduate early a GPA of 4.58 is required; these students averaged 4.73 with an SAT score of 13.91.
Math teacher Mr. Alex Hartz outlined reasons that Ryan Yang earned the honor of Salutatorian.
Hartz spoke of Ryan’s love of learning and ways he excels in class. “He is planning to take chemistry at Champaign Urbana.”
Yang reflected, “To the Class of 2022: We have experienced joy and every triumph, despair and even uncertainty when our school doors closed that March two years ago. “We aspired to learn and to push our own limits. We can contribute our own voice to a group or a cause. We learned empathy and have learned from our mistakes to become a better person.
“We have learned to be resilient and have excelled both in the classroom and on the field; We’ve even broken some of our own records this year. We have proven ourselves. We are ready. Whether going into the workforce, college or going into the Army, as you continue on that path some parts might be rough. Hononegah Indians may your next chapter begin.”
Mr. Zachwiega introduced Valedictorian Grant Gouwens. He describes Gouwens as creative, curious and someone who knows when to lead and when to facilitate.
“You can always count on Grant,” Zachwiega said. “He was instrumental in GAIA and has been co-President of GAIA as a senior.
“The Monday after prom Grant made sure that an Arbor Day certification was completed. He is also an Eagle Scout. His thoughtfulness will serve him well as a psychology and philosophy major.
“I am so proud of all of the students here today and hope that you find success in all that you do.”
Gouwens spoke about the Class of 2022’s resilience. He spoke of a modern extended philosophy that he learned. “Life could be smooth or an easy process if it were not for getting last place on instrumental dodge ball. On a more serious note we have all faced serious challenges. We have had strife and have face road. There are two options. The first is that there is a perception that in life the bad stands out.
“Option two is to embrace the good in our lives. I acknowledge that life carries on after we leave high school.
“These next steps are just as deep as the last. We know have the added luxury of choosing what we want to do. I challenge you, make sure that whatever you find it is important enough to carry on. If you ever feel you are in an uphill battle it is because you are. Keep in mind the hard things are worth doing.”
Board of Education President Dave Kurlinkus asked for a moment of silence for the school shooting victims in Uvalde.
Kurlinikus shared a powerful message. “Last fall our world would return to normal. We set an example for our students and did what needed to be done.
“Everything you faced prepared you to face anything. I would like to invite you to the 100th anniversary of the school building this fall.”
All of the people who have helped you to give you knowledge should be recognized. We should never assume that we know what tomorrow will bring. It is crucial that we listen to each other; even someone you disagree with.
“We have become a lot less attentive to what others are saying. Be compassionate toward others and let the truth guide you. The way that you react is the person that you are.
“I have four sons that graduated from Hononegah and from the University of Illinois. Kurlinkus advised that everyone take a trip to see the University of Illinois Alma Matter whose arms are stretched out in a welcome.
“Thank you for the past four years. We love you. You probably don’t hear that often enough. You are exceptional.”
Superintendent Mike Dugan Certified the Class of 2022. “You are the 103 graduating class. Go forth and do great things.”
Board members handed out diplomas as Mrs. Susan Bohn and Mrs. Jean Chambers read the roll call of graduates’ names.
Senior Class President Davis Cass said, “On behalf of our senior class, thank you to the faculty and staff of Hononegah High School for your leadership and guidance.”
“Seniors, we have been flexible, adaptable and persistent.”
Cass invited graduates to move their tassels from the right to the left. “I present to you the Class of 2022.”
Purple and gold balloons dropped down toward graduates who had fun with batting the balloons. Principal Dougherty dismissed the class.
The band played the school song followed by a recessional to “Trumpet Voluntary,” by Jeremiah Clarke.
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 who all have promising futures!