Hononegah High School honors top 2020-2021 scholastic students

Hononegah High School graduate Maximus Ehrlich (between his parents) holds his award of excellence in Physics following the Honors Night at the PAC on May 17.
By Jean Seegers
The Hononegah Community High School Honors Night Program was held Monday evening, May 17. This year’s group of students who excel were welcomed and congratulated by Principal Chad Dougherty.
Proud parents, family members teachers and friends were seated in the audience at the PAC.
Athletic Director Steve Cofoid began the ceremony with the presentation of the George Kelsey Award to Grant Preston.
The National School Choral Award was awarded to Samuel Lynas.
The United States Marine Corps, presented three awards: Alison Murdoch and Carson Roberts received the Distinguished Athlete Award.
Brandon McAlllister and Thomas Ptacin were recipients of the Scholastic Excellent Award.
The Semper Fidelis Band Award went to Zacharia Houghton.
The AMC 12 School Winner certificate went to Joseph Kasel.
Brayden Smith received the Mathematics League Certificate of Merit.
Mathematics AP Scholars certificates were awarded to Arissa Bilskey, Ephraim Boomer, Braxton Brown, Maximus Ehrlich, Lila Finnegan, Madison Gunderson, Nathan Halbrader, Owen Ivanuk, Brandon McAllister, Madilyn McWilliams, Alison Murdoch, Thomas Ptacin, Amanda Sorenson, Brendon Wang, and Natalie Williams.
Brendon Wang received the Howard Harshbarger Senior Math Award.
The Excellence in Spanish Award was presented to Braxton Brown and Brandon McAllister.
S.O.A.R. (Students Offering Assistance & Resources) Service Awards were presented to Kelli Converso, Teva Crandall, Brooke Dagefoerde, Emma Eckburg, Finley Hamilton, Madissen Kerman, Brandon McAllister, Madilyn McWilliams, Skylar Rhodes, Brendon Wang and Natalie Williams.
Recipients of the Honors and AP English – Seven Consecutive Semester of “A” Level Work Award were,
Axeil Boomer, Ephraim Boomer, Braxton Brown, Ava Cicmansky, Andrew Clayton, Kelly Converso, Jacob Depauw, Emma Eckburg, Maximus Ehrlich, Lila Finnegan, Madison Gunderson, Finley Hamilton, Abigail Idstein, Lauren Johnston, Annalee Kleeberger, Brandon McAlllister, Thomas Ptacin, Brendon Wang and Natalie Williams.
The U S History Award went to Davis Cass
Axell Boomer received the Senior Social Studies Award.
DAR American History Award, went to Joseph Kasel.
American Legion School Award recipients were Jacob DePauw and Riley Kemmet.
Natalie Williams received the Outstanding Biology Student Award.
Outstanding Physics Students Awards were presented to Maximus Ehrlich and Amanda Sorenson.
Hanna Brechon received the Outstanding Environmental Science Student Award.
Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award went to Joseph Kasel.
Brandon McAllister received the Illinois Science Teachers Association Award.
American Society of Metals Outstanding Student Award was presented to Thomas Ptacin.
Kelly Converso received recognition as Student Body President.
The Sons of the American Revolution Award went to Braxton Brown.
Kelli Converso received the DAR Good Citizenship Award.
Maximus Ehrlich and Brandon McAllister were presented the National Merit Letter of Commendation.
The National Merit Certificate of Merit was awarded to Brendon Wang.