Hononegah School District tries for new version of bond referendum

Hononegah Girls Track and Cross Country team members warm up in the hallway during after-school practice. Athletic teams and physical education classes have been forced to find alternative space since the collapse of the athletic dome over a year ago. Hononegah High School district is asking taxpayers to support the construction of a $17.8 million, brick and mortar field house to replace the dome. The referendum will appear on the April 4, election ballot. More information and renderings of the proposed field house can be seen on the school website- www.hononegah.org.
By Jean Seegers
Students and teachers know to look both ways when approaching some of the hallway intersections at Hononegah High School. They just might collide with members of the girls and boys track and cross country teams, or spill-over from the athletic workout room where physical education classes are currently being held.
Since the 60,000 square foot inflatable athletic dome slowly sank to the ground following an ice storm, Dec. 28, 2015, there has been an on-going effort to find alternative places to hold physical education classes, practice space for athletic teams and community events such as the Stateline Chamber Ro-Ro Expo.
The boys track team is assigned to one hallway at Hononegah and girls to another. Currently, basketball players are using gym space at other schools including Roscoe Middle School, Rockford schools and Beloit College. Some of the girls track team practice at Whitman Post Elementary in Rockton.
Athletic Director Steve Cofoid said a new field house is badly needed. Finding space for practice has been difficult. “There are 24 athletic teams at Hononegah. Just getting kids out of here and home (after practice) is a timely manner is difficult.” Cofoid said practices are staggered at the schools and some teams
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