Hononegah student represents Rock Energy on D.C. trip

Kyle Eggers met with Rep. Adam Kinzinger while in Washington, D.C.
Kyle Eggers of South Beloit represented Rock Energy Cooperative on the annual Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C.
Eggers, who will be a senior at Hononegah High School in Rockton in the fall, joined more than 1,800 young leaders from across the country June 14-21 for a weeklong introduction to cooperatives and the
democratic form of government.
While on the bus trip from Springfield, Ill., to Washington, students established their own chip and soda co-op to learn the principles required to keep members working together for the cooperative’s success. After arriving in Washington, the students spent a day on Capitol Hill and met with Rep. Adam Kinzinger and Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.
In addition to the Capitol, they visited Arlington National Cemetery, the Supreme Court, President Lincoln’s Cottage at First National Cemetery, and a variety of memorials.
“Youth Tour is a great opportunity that changes these students’ lives,” said Shane Larson, chief executive officer of Rock Energy. “This experience helps prepare them for their futures. After touring our nation’s capital, meeting congressional representatives, and learning firsthand how our government works, they return home with valuable knowledge and memories that will last a lifetime.”
The annual Youth Tour is available to children of Rock Energy members who are high school juniors and live in the co-op’s service territory. Applications for the 2020 trip will be available in the fall at www.rock.coop.
Established in 1936, Rock Energy Cooperative is a not-for-profit utility distributing safe and reliable electricity and natural gas to more than 28,000 meters across its eight-county service area in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Headquartered in Janesville, Wis., the cooperative also has an office in South Beloit, Ill. For more information, visit www.rock.coop.