In an effort to improve the allocation of alcoholic beverage compliance resources, the State of Illinois and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office have recently joined forces to launch the Winnebago County Liquor Inspection Pilot Program.

Under the agreement, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office has begun carrying out Standard Liquor Inspections for all Winnebago County license holders on behalf of the State of Illinois. Utilizing existing State resources, the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC) is providing financial assistance and training for designated local inspectors. The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office began conducting inspections for the 571 license holders upon the completion of ILCC training in December and will continue through June 30 when the pilot program concludes.

Inspections include areas of local concern, such as health/sanitation, license and insurance verifications, and deceptive practices. Under the terms of the agreement, local officials are required to report their findings to the State Commission, which may result in further adjudicative action.

The Winnebago County Liquor Inspection Pilot Program includes the jurisdictions of all incorporated and unincorporated areas within the County of Winnebago.

For more information on the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, please visit their website at:

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