
By Kathryn Menue


“I’ll never forget where I was on 9/11…”

It is 15 years later, and these words still ring true in the minds of every American who watched the Twin Towers fall, who felt the loss of thousands of lives, and who saw a country come together after tragedy.

“I’ll never forget where I was on 9/11…”

The same thought was voiced on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 as Immanuel Lutheran’s congregation honored the Belvidere Fire Department in remembrance of the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: a day now come to be known as Patriot’s Day.

“We really appreciate you having us at your congregation today,” Belvidere Fire Chief Al Hyser said. “We’re absolutely honored.”

Among the firefighters honored were Chris Letourneau, Mark Beck, Greg Pavlatos, Jimmy Kriebs, Mike Scarpetta, Lt. Shawn Schadle, Captain Mark Zumbragel, and Chief Al Hyser.

“I thank God everyday for these guys,” Chief Hyser said.


Although the honor was thoughtful, Chief Hyser said “it’s hard for them [the firefighters] to take credit,” which is why they sat near the back during the Sunday morning service.

“They don’t do this for the recognition; they do it because they love helping people out,” Chief Hyser said.

Instead of focusing all of their attention on the Belvidere Fire Department, the chief asked that the congregation simply remember. Remember the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. Remember the ones who continue to lose their lives due to the after effects from Ground Zero.

“This year, I’m just asking everyone here to always remember,” Chief Hyser said. “It’s our generation’s Pearl Harbor.”

Like so many others, remembering is an easy feat for Chief Hyser.

“Here it is 15 years later. I was on the department at the time [of the terrorist attacks],” Chief Hyser said. “Every year, you go back and remember where we were.”

On the morning of the Sept. 11 attacks, the Belvidere firefighters were supposed to be training, but their eyes remained glued to the television screens.

“That night, when everyone was coming together, I remember the city rallying around us,” Chief Hyser said.

In particular, Chief Hyser remembered a mother driving up to Belvidere Fire Station II with her son, who was about 2-years-old. The little boy ran up to the Chief Hyser and wrapped his arms around his legs and said, “I love you.”

“I’ll never forget that time,” Chief Hyser said.


Immanuel Lutheran Pastor and Belvidere Fire Department Chaplain Allan Buss advocated that recognizing the firefighters would be the perfect symbol of remembrance.

“It’s the 15th anniversary. We want to be good citizens. We want to remember important things. We are a part of Jesus’ work. With all the political stuff going on, it’s important to remember good things continue to happen. Even in the midst of evil, good can happen,” Pastor Buss said. “It wasn’t one day or one year where people made sacrifices. We see people who are doing things, and they need to be honored.”

The Immanuel Lutheran congregation honored the Belvidere Fire Department by presenting them with a picture frame signed by the whole congregation. In the middle of the frame was a picture of the Belvidere Fire Department, thus showing that the community still rallies around the firefighters who serve Belvidere. To keep this reminder close at hand, the Belvidere Fire Department will hand the frame in their newly, revamped training room.

“It [the ceremony] was very special,” Immanuel Lutheran congregation member Janet Guetzkow said. “I’m glad they held this service. They encouraged us never to forget, and I think that’s key.”

The congregation will never forget the men and women who serve the Belvidere community.

“We are really grateful to you,” Pastor Buss said. “You have our prayers, and you have our best.”

The firefighters of the Belvidere Fire Department were truly humbled and honored by the gesture.

“Thank you to Immanuel Lutheran for having us here today,” Chief Hyser said.

As Pastor Buss said, the deed was merely a token that goes to show “we all can do a little good.”

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