BELVIDERE – The Jefferson High School boys’ varsity soccer team defeated the Belvidere Bucs at Funderburg Stadium on Thursday, Sept. 10.

Jefferson High School took the lead in the first period with Fabian Perez scoring the first goal and Pedro Acosta scoring the second goal.

The only scores came in the first period from these two athletes, although the competitive drive to win still compelled both teams throughout the match.

Belvidere made seven attempts at scoring a goal, but fell short each time, due in part to the Jefferson goalie, Centeno, who succeeded in stopping two goals.

Jefferson also made seven goal attempts, but was successful with their two goals in the first period.

Belvidere goalie Edgar Gomez did stop three goals against opposing team, Jefferson.

The night wasn’t a total loss with the Belvidere junior varsity team taking home the win against Jefferson High School with a final score of 7-2.


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