Kasey Wells brings his scrap metal elephant to Belvidere
By Anne Eickstadt
Kasey Wells is running as a write-in candidate for president. He has been hauling an 11-foot scrap metal elephant around the country seeking votes for November.
“I left home on tour five months ago with $500,” Wells said. “I am now registered in virtually every state that will allow me to be a write-in candidate.
“I am promoting ‘Technology for Direct Democracy.’ I want to empower American people in the democratic process to vote on all public policy. People can use any of their devices and how the votes fall will make the leaders serve our collective interest. The idea is, as the Declaration of Independence begins, ‘We, the People…’
The Declaration of Independence states that ‘governments derives their powers from the consent of the governed and without that consent, they have no justifiable power.’
“Today’s electronic devices will upgrade the system.
“The definition of a republic is ‘supreme power held by the people with elected representatives.’ People come first. The representatives are supposed to represent the people’s interests. Right now, we live in a country where public policy is driven by private philanthropic and special interest groups.
“I want to take our country back from sources of corruption and give it back to the people using technology. We have an opportunity like never before for people to be really engaged.
“I am anti-corruption and for the power of the people and hope that they will make better decisions. I believe in the goodness of people. 95 percent of the people I have met are kind-hearted, considerate, and compassionate.
“If they were given a fair opportunity to give their voice and vote on public policy, we would collectively make better decisions than what is being spoon-fed to corrupt politicians from private interest groups right now.
“My elephant is made from a Standard Oil fuel tank. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil and was the richest man of the last century. He founded many different philanthropies, the first being Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors. He invented ‘conditional grants’ – money given to organizations with stipulations and directives. He then left them with the motto, ‘Philanthropy as if it were a business.’”
You can learn more about Kasey Wells on his website or Facebook page at Kaseywellsforpresident.com.