Key Clubs shoveling their way to 2018 Mission Trip to Texas

BHS Key Club members Kennedy, Hannah and Col-ten get ready to shovel around the high school. The Key Club is earning money through shoveling and other activities to help pay for their mission trip this summer.
The Byron and Dixon High School Key Clubs are traveling to Houston, TX from June 1 – 10, 2018 to help with Hurricane Recovery. They are excited to collaborate with Kiwanis Texas-Oklahoma District Disaster Relief Efforts,
The TX-Oklahoma Kiwanis have been receiving financial and supply support from Kiwanis and Key Clubs all over the nation, including over $100,000 in monetary donations and hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of goods (i.e. shoes, school supplies, hygiene products, socks, food, tarps for torn apart roofs, bottled water, tools, and more). They are helping rebuild homes, schools, and community centers.
They are eager for Byron and Dixon High School Key Club Advisors and members to join them in June as they will be ready for ‘hands-on’ volunteering, like rebuilding and repairing homes with Habitat for Humanity.
To read the full story see the Feb. 1st issue of The Tempo