Largest Building on Mercyhealth Sportscore Two Campus named after former Rockford Park District Executive Director Tim Dimke

Dimke Field is dedicated to the former Rockford Park District Executive Director Tim Dimke who had the foresight to support the building of the large, multi-use complex.
In 2017, the Rockford Park District celebrated the expansion of the Indoor Sports Center, 8800 E. Riverside Blvd. Loves Park. The 133,000-square-foot sports building situated to the east of the existing Indoor Sports Center (ISC) building is only three-years-old and is 420 feet long, 300 feet wide, and 70 feet high, making it one of the largest sports complexes in the Midwest. Since then, this massive building has been commonly referred to as the “mega center” or “Field 3” but will now be called Dimke Field as a way to celebrate and recognize former Executive Director Tim Dimke who retired from the position in 2017.
“Anyone who walks into this facility is always amazed but then when they walk into Dimke Field their jaw drops. These multi-use turf fields set us apart and it’s all thanks to Tim. He knew the opportunities would be endless for soccer, softball, baseball, football, lacrosse, and other turf field related programs to take place here. When weather is a factor outside many turn to us so the games and practices can go on, prior to COVID-19 that is,” said Mercyhealth Sportscore Complex Manager Louis Mateus. Dimke Field is capable of hosting up to six simultaneous soccer games or two softball games and includes a variety of sustainable design features.
“One of the crowning achievements of Tim’s long career is the building of Mercyhealth Sportscore Two, and it is fitting that the largest buildings on the campus be named in his honor. It was Tim’s vision and determination that made Mercyhealth Sportscore Two a reality, and Rockford should be proud that they have this world-class sports complex right in their backyard,” Javon Bea, President/CEO of Mercyhealth.
Expanding Mercyhealth Sportscore Two campus was a legacy project spearheaded by Tim as part of Reclaiming First, an effort to retain, regain, and grow sports tourism. “Tim worked diligently to receive an unprecedented level of intergovernmental and regional collaboration to support a comprehensive plan to enhance and enlarge this top tourist destination and build UW Health Sports Factory,” said Rockford Park District Board of Commissioners President Scott Olson.
Earlier tonight, family helped surprise Dimke and unveiled the Dimke Field logo along with a biography sign about Dimke’s 44-year career with the Rockford Park District. “There are certain leaders who stand out as legends in the field of parks and recreation, and Tim Dimke is most definitely one of them,” said Peter Murphy, President and CEO of the Illinois Association of Park
Districts (IAPD). “During his remarkable 44-year career at the Rockford Park District, his countless accomplishments were outweighed only by his dedicated work ethic, spirited enthusiasm, and exceptional ability to motivate and inspire others to greatness. He has left an indelible impact on Illinois park districts, forest preserves, conservation, and recreation agencies, and on behalf of the entire IAPD membership, we congratulate him on this well-deserved honor.”
In 1973, Tim Dimke began his career at the Rockford Park District by providing animal care at the Children’s Farm and Trailside Centre, located at the 146-acre Lockwood Park. After graduating college with a Bachelor of Science degree in Parks and Recreation Management, he became the manager of Support Services. His work ethic, desire to help neighbors, and teamwork led to him being promoted several times before he was finally selected in 2006 by the Board of Commissioners as the seventh executive director since the District’s inception in 1909. Tim is credited with the development of many recreation facilities in Rockford and Loves Park, notably Carlson Ice Arena, Aldeen Golf Club, Mercyhealth Sportscore Two, and the acquisitions of former Magic Waters Waterpark, and Indoor Sports Center.
“Tim was a visionary leader who impacted our community greatly. He was ahead of his peers years ago as he understood the positive impact a facility like Mercyhealth Sportscore Two could have on our families and our economy. As a result, we now have a sports campus that is unmatched in the Midwest; one that has put our community on the map. Thanks to his leadership this facility now brings record amounts of people and economic value to our community,” said Illinois State Senator Dave Syverson.
Under Tim’s leadership, the Rockford Park District had twice been awarded the prestigious National Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management (1989 and 2012), and twice earning the Distinguished Agency accreditation from the Illinois Association of Park Districts and Illinois Park and Recreation Association. “Beyond Tim’s accomplishments of award winning facilities and projects, I personally value and appreciate the many young leaders he has developed, mentored, and supported throughout his entire career. Tim filled a critical role in my life as a young man and a young professional, and it’s an honor to call him a mentor and more importantly my friend,” said Rockford Park District Executive Director Jay Sandine.
In 2012, Tim received the Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award from Eastern Illinois University (EIU) for attaining distinguished professional success and prominence, and being a living role model. Former EIU classmate and friend Tommy Meeks stated, “I have known Tim Dimke since we were in 8th grade at Wilson Junior High School. We are really brothers from different mothers. I have never met a person that worked as hard as Tim. He motivated me to achieve my dreams and he motivated others to help him create this complex for all of us to enjoy. This building deserves his name.” At the annual State Conference in January 2017 Tim was recognized by the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association (IPRA) and the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) with both the Robert Artz Lifetime Achievement Award and the Honored Professional Award.