By Jean Seegers


ROSCOE – “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go.”

Familiar words from the popular Dr. Seuss book – Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Theodor Geisel wrote 60 books under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss. Each book is filled with sage advice, humor and encouragement.

Dr. Seuss’ 112th birthday was celebrated in schools throughout the country on Wednesday, March 2. It was also “National Read Across America Day.”

To celebrate the special day, Ledgewood Elementary School Principal Chad Etnyre read his favorite Dr. Seuss book, “The Foot Book” to a roomful of kindergarten and first grade students.

“There are two things that make Dr. Seuss’ birthday special,” Etnyre said. “First, it’s really important to read, and second, You should not only learn to read but love to read.”

The birthday celebration included a surprise Flash Mob dance featuring teachers and staff, and several members of the Harlem Roscoe Fire Department dancing and lip-sinking their positive reading message of the hit song “Hello” by Adele.

Wrapping up the program, a video featuring groups of Ledgewood students reading their favorite books was shown.

The birthday event was created and produced by Ledgewood teachers Miss Cuppini and

Mrs. Tomilonus.
Dr. Suess II









In honor of Dr. Seuss’ 112th birthday, Ledgewood Elementary student Kenzie (center) dressed like a Dr. Seuss character. Ledgewood School celebrated the birthday and “Read Across America Day” with a Flash Mob Dance, a video and Principal Chad Etnyre reading his favorite Dr. Seuss book, “The Foot Book” Pictured are Etnyre, Kenzie and teacher Jody Tomilonus.

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