Lots of activities going on in Loves Park
Aldermen approved a number of items at the March 3 bi-monthly city council meeting:
*The VFW Post 9759 will hold a Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Loves Park City Hall.
*A Craft Fair “For a Cause” will be held at Loves Park City Hall on Sunday, March 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
*Signups for LIHEAP assistance will be held at Loves Park City Hall on Wednesday, March 12 from between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
On the council agenda was an announcement about the Irish Marching Society that will hold a “PaddyFest” at Loves Park City Hall on Saturday, March 15 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
A proclamation for “PaddyFest Day” in the city was read by the mayor, which noted “The Irish Marching Society is strictly a not-for-profit organization, chartered in 1976 and was established to preserve and promote Irish heritage within our community; and…the Irish Marching Society continues to preserve, promote, and educate Irish and…Celtic culture in the City of Loves Park; and…the Irish Marching Society’s 49th Annual Paddyfest will be held at Loves Park City Hall on with live Irish music and food.”
*Another proclamation for the 2025 IHSA Harlem Girls State Bowling Champions was read by Mayor Greg Jury who noted, “the Harlem Girls Bowling Team has just earned the IHSA Girls State Bowling Championship for the eighth time…and noted “The Loves Park City Council and all employees of the City of Loves Park, join with all the team members, their families, their coaches and team sponsors, in congratulating everyone involved and want to highlight this once in a lifetime accomplishment for each bowler as you set
the bar high for those to follow and are the best of the bes
“…and “These young women are terrific role models and, we as city officials, together with the citizens of Loves Park, do hereby raise you up and celebrate your perseverance and your hard work…and these top notch athletes excel not only on the lanes but excel as good citizens, team builders and student ambassadors for all of us in the Harlem School District, hereby proclaim the week of March 3 through March 9 as IHSA 2025 Girls State Bowling Championship week in Loves Park and urge all citizens to join with the surrounding communities in extending…our heartfelt congratulations and thanks for a job well done.
*A resolution passed for the city to hire Arc Design of Loves Park for the ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program…“a program that funds projects to improve transportation and quality of life in Illinois communities.” This for the N. Second St., Phase 1 Project for professional construction engineering at a cost not to exceed $295,000.
*A resolution was approved for the purchase of a new Harper Slope ATM72LC Slope Tractor for the street department manager to order the tractor from Swanston Equipment of Fargo, N. Dakota at a cost not to exceed $57,000.
–Ordinances approved included:
*An ordinance “to set a date for a Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to
McFarland Road Business District” passed.
*An ordinance providing for a Special Use Permit for a tattoo shop at the property known as 6330 E. Riverside Blvd. passed.
*An ordinance approving the issuance of a R1 Liquor License for Lino’s at 8400 E. Riverside Blvd. passed
*An ordinance amending Section 2-64 of Chapter 2, Article II and Sections 2-101, 2-121, 2-166 of Chapter 2 Article III of the Loves Park Code of Ordinances passed.
Per the bi-monthly police activity report covering Feb. 2 to 15, the department took 1,036 calls for service, made 40 arrests, issued 337 tickets and warnings, and responded to 22 vehicle crashes.
Between Feb. 13 and 26, the fire department dealt with 148 EMS calls, 15 service calls, three fire calls, and 19 other call types.
Street department workers, between Feb. 17 and March 3, began tree trimming, filled potholes, helped water department employees “as needed,” completed various electrical repairs and city hall and in the department, and worked on trucks and equipment in the shop. Proposed work included a continuation of tree trimming and cold patching, and starting street sweeping main roadways.
The water department between Feb. 11 and 24 had a busy agenda also, including repair of a water main break at Illinois St. and Cottage Ave.
Anyone wishing to speak at the city council meeting shall contact the mayor’s office by 4 p.m. the Friday before the council meeting by calling 815-654-5030.