Loves Park Farm & Fleet hosts (north) Kiwanis Brat Days

Mark Finnigan was among the many volunteers at Kiwanis Brats Days last weekend at Loves Park Farm & Fleet.
Kiwanis Brat Days started with several days of set up and opened with a great day in the morning. Rows of deep kettle boilers supplied the crews on the grills. Mark Finnegan knows how to hustle wherever he volunteers to pitch in.
Before the brats got to the buns, Mark was quickly carrying big pans full of hot brats from the grill.
Brats to the serving tent, load after load, through the hours of the lunch rush at the Loves Park Farm & Fleet parking lot where the Alpine Kiwanis Club (north) Brat Days was in full swing on a beautiful Friday, July 12 day.
Crowds of eaters never over filled the expanded tent’s seating and the drive through lines moved quickly as the live music entertainment played on.
Karen Tilly and all the volunteers stayed busy. Big events like this require lots of planning, support, and volunteers. It is an annual benchmark of what a great community this is.