LZ Peace Memorial has 12 names added of those who died of Agent Orange effects
By Margaret Downing

Devon Betts of Beloit and Ian Isely of South Beloit were honored to see the actual Huey Helicopter that is on permanent display at the Memorial site at Midway Village.
Twelve Vietnam veterans were honored on Sept. 25 at the LZ Peace Memorial at Midway Village on Guilford Road in Rockford.
As noted by Vietnam Veterans Honor Society Chairperson Todd Burd, “These veterans have died within the past couple of years.”
Turnout for the event was tremendous.
The additional names of Agent Orange victims who were added honoring those already listed on the memorial are:
Michael E. Baxter
Kerby Beehler
Stanley A, Brengel
Kenton Ellison
David Graves
Gregg Nelson
Roger G. Parrish
Joseph Sola
Dale “Doc” Spurlock
Dennis D. Steinhoff
Robert “Bob” Wood
Donald F. York
These names will join the
names already on the Memorial,
which are listed as:
John Charles Alberts, Army,
South Beloit
James Allan Ascher, Army,
Melvin Ballard, Army,
Ralph Anthony Barcelona,
Army, Rockford
Norman Elmer Beck, Marines,
Larry Dean Bell, Marines,
John H. Berg, Army, Rockford
Wayne Valgeen Blake, Marines,
Alan Lee Boyer, Army,
George Richard Butler,
Marines, Durand
Arnoldo J. Cardenas, Army,
Curtis Paul Challberg,
Army, Loves Park
Eldon Dean Coldren Jr.,
Army, Rockford
Daniel Coleman, Marines,
Michael Lee Collins, Army,
John C. Davis, Army, South
Earmon Ray Derrington,
Army, Rockford
Martin John DiMarzio,
Army, Rockford
John Paul Didier Jr., Army,
Curtis Lee Duckett, Army,
George N. Fanis Jr., Army,
Patrick Dale Finch, Army,
David Eugene Flaningam,
Marines, Rockford
Thomas Duane Glawe, Marines,
Thomas A. Goebel, Marines,
Ray Lonnie Gonce, Marines,
Loves Park
David Arlin Gulrantson,
Army, Rockford
Richard F. Hawks, Marines,
Ronnie L. Hawks, Marines,
Daniel Robert Hoffman,
Army, Rockford
John R. Hornsby, Army,
Michael Joseph Ingrassia,
Army, Rockford
John Jeffrey Jensen, Army,
Daniel Gene Johnson,
Army, Rockford
Gerald Dennis Kiesling,
Army, Rockford
Larry William Knight,
Navy, Rockford
Terry Lee Larsen, Army,
Steve Donald Lee, Army,
J. L. Lyles, Army, Rockford
Notley Gwynn Maddox,
Air Force, Rockford
Larry Dale McGhee, Army,
Michael John McGlothlin,
Marines, Pecatonica
Michael James McKinson,
Marines, Pecatonica
Donald L. Meehan Jr.,
Army, Rockford
Gary Lee Mizner, Army,
Philip Gwyn Nichols,
Army, Rockford
David Donell Nicholson,
Marines, Rockford
Lawrence E. Orsborn,
Navy, Rockford
James H. Owens Jr., Army,
Stanley F. Patterson, Army,
Loves Park
Wallis Gilbert Patterson,
Army, Rockford
Robert Verner Pearson,
Army, Rockford
Feliz Perris, Marines,
LZ Peace Memorial has 12 names added
of those who died of Agent Orange effects
Loves Park
Roderick James Rodenbeck,
Army, Rockford
Henry Clyde Sanders, Marines,
Kris Edward Shaw, Army,
Lora William Snyder, Marines,
Gordon William Stark,
Army, Rockford
Charles Stanley Tarbert,
Army, Pecatonica
A. W. Tripplett, Marines,
Ronald A. Van Wambeke,
Marines, Rockford
Marcelino Vargas Jr., Marines,
John Wesley Vowles, Marines,
Cherry Valley
Harold Francis Werle, Marines,
Kenneth Leroy White,
Army, Rockford
Jerry Wayne Wickam,
Army, Rockford
Lonnie Williams, Army,
Robert Earl Williams, Marines,
John Wayne Woolbright,
Marines, Rockford
Kurt Frederick Zimmerman,
Marines, Durand
Lester “Lek” Vance, Army,
Craig Walter Anderson,
Navy, Rockford
David Lawrence Lyons,
Navy, Rockford
Ronnie Albert Hecker,
Army, Rockford
The memorial is sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans Honor Society, which is described on the organization’s website as:
“The LZ Peace Memorial is a place of honor for those veterans who served our country, in war and in peace. This memorial stands as a testimony to those soldiers from Winnebago County who made the ultimate sacrifice at a time of great conflict.”
The LZ (Landing Zone) Peace Memorial is located at Midway Village Museum, 6799 Guilford Road, in Rockford. It stands adjacent to an actual Huey Helicopter from the Vietnam War era.
The Memorial lists all of those local veterans who have died as a result of exposure to Agent Orange. The site is a beautiful and peaceful place and these veterans deserve the honor the Memorial brings to their memory and for their service to our country.
Rockford veteran Nick Parnello founded the Vietnam Veterans Home Society in 1989 and it is under the auspices of the Vietnam Veterans Honor Society.
If you wish to make a donation to this endeavor, please send a check to the Vietnam Veterans Honor Society, P.O. Box 4304, Rockford, IL 61110.